right ... open invitation time ... got a new industrial / electronic album kicking off right now and looking for vocalists. First intention is a collection of studio tracks but long term ... who knows.
still interested? so ... I would like any singers / vocalists who have at least most of this list covered, to please get in touch. demos preferable, style & quality not important.
Writing your own lyrics / poetry in English ... I will also be writing / choosing lyrics, but you must already have a solid grip on that skill.
Based in Hong Kong or at least visiting within the next 6 months .- Absolute vocal control with regards timing and delivery.
An interesting range of vocal dynamics: whisper, talking, singing, all the way up to controlled screaming. Don't need them all, but make sure you are confident about what you can do.
Perfect pitch absolutely NOT essential.
Preferably female, preferably not an MC / rapper ... but I will check anyone (male / female / it) out who shows a genuine and positive interest in the project.
Finally ... most importantly ... shit loads of attitude. Whatever you are singing about, the listener will utterly believe every word you say.
That's about it ... email me up with any information you think is relevant! MySpace, links, mp3s, bios, whatever. If you are currently in a band or existing project, that is also OK. This will not take up too much time. Few days chatting, writing and recording.
contact [at] disuye [dot] com