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Dan Burns-Findlay
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HK Dog Rescue in need of rescuing

The Hong Kong Dog Rescue charity are to be evicted from their Pok Fu Lam kennel property come February 2010. Please do not comment about corporate greed as that is not the issue here: The current property owners (Jones LaSalle) are simply exercising their right to make money. Instead, please comment if you have any bright ideas otherwise head over to the HKDR web-site, contact the staff and see if you can help. Three months to shift a charity & volunteer run operation is really not nearly enough time; and the list of necessary requirements for a new site are quite daunting.

HKDR BLOG: Tues 24th November: Eviction by 28th FebDespite being one of the largest animal welfare charities in Hong Kong, this kind of property issue is a massive problem for HKDR and the hundreds of animals they care for. Funds are just not available for a move like this.http://www.hongkongdogrescue.comWith Xmas around the corner – if you are considering a pet – simply adopting one of the existing dogs from HKDR to free up space before February would be of huge assistance to them.Pass the info on – many thanks for reading.

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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