Dan Burns-Findlay
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free NIN album

New album from Nine Inch Nails available for free download off their site. I'm grabbing it now ... no idea what it sounds like. The new single "Discipline" is on their myspace page though, which might give you some idea. click here to visit NIN.comp.s: update ... ok. listening now ... love it. but then I would.

16 年多 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
Photo 35167
Downloading now!!!!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 33427
mate yer going to love it :) it's the most live sounding album they've done ... but then this new digital release schedule NIN are working under means they can throw albums out as fast as they can write them ... no endless dicking about in the studio.
16 年多 ago
Photo 33427
and fuck I wish Trent would tune that goddam piano ... it was wrong on Year Zero, worse on Ghosts and bloody well out on this!!!
16 年多 ago
Photo 35167
So Dan, what is your fav track? I like Echoplex and Head Down.....
16 年多 ago
Photo 33427
Demon Seed (love the 12 beat cycle). Head Down (is that guitar riff disgusting or what)! Letting You (would love to see this live). Echoplex (... mmm ... electronic drums)
16 年多 ago
Jayfc 5d jayfc
Dirty, dirty, dirty... As close as I've come to seeing them live - since my son was inconveniently born the night they played HK last year. I should've called him NIN. And that ticket is coming straight out of his pocket money (even if it was a comp)... Good stuff, thx for the link..
16 年多 ago


Arrive not Dead.


July 6, 2007