banging my head against a fat one ... I'm off to wander the streets of Bangkok for a while ... see you next weekend. this is entirely my own fault though. the older I get, the more time I spend trying to push envelopes when I should just be writing music ... but I can't "just write music" ... there's gotta be a reason for each song to exist. and I'm not blessed with lyrical skills so each song needs to contain a strong technical, conceptual and emotional backbone before it even thinks about getting completed. If it's just a collection of noises flying in the same direction - that reason doesn't wash with me anymore. However, if I could sing, on the other hand, god ... hahaha ... you'd be subjected to endless hours of - I'd expect - cynical depressing self-indulgent waffle.much like this blog. catch you back at the bar on Friday.
Arrive not Dead.