Dan Burns-Findlay
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Alex Mikic & Ghost Souljah

OK - these guys blogged a free eight track mini-album for download last night. And today there are still only two comments. what is wrong with you people?! credit please where credit is due :)

I'm listening to it now. I am assuming that is a debut production for both guys (correct me if I'm wrong) in which case, definitely a great start and definitely holds it's own style-wise.

image used without permission

A few recording & mixing issues I could be picky about, and a couple of generic sound / effect choices, but musically, this EP is solid and amply demonstrates these guys have got their head in the right place... albeit borderline arrogant and a tad misogynist in places, but hell, it's that kind of shameless bravado you need in hip-hop to get anywhere, so no blame in their direction!

my 2 cents - don't be afraid of pushing a few more boundaries now fellas. with this eight tracker you've certainly proved you can do the genre.

well done. and reader: if you're reading this far then stop and go visit the AM/GS blog and download the album and leave the guys a COMMENT ... artists always need feedback.

16 年多 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
Photo 23329
i agree with you on teh sound bit ... but they're are a bunch of 16 yr old guys that most definatley earn my respect .... missy k - ifat kafry had shown me a video of their live performance , and i was breathless ... cause they were so good ! respect for standing out for talent and arts and great music . definatley a debut ... totally agreeed ... will write on their blog too
16 年多 ago
Photo 47491
Thanks alot for this shout out Dan! I've also blogged about the album on my profile just now: http://www.alivenotdead.com/alexmikic/Let+me+fill+you+in...-profile-145109.html Thanks for the support, it's nice to know we're getting some sort of coverage for our work. :) Alex Mikic
16 年多 ago


Arrive not Dead.


July 6, 2007