Dan Burns-Findlay
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A good year so far.

Early January, a trapped nerve in the neck ignited an ache over half my head resulting in no sleep for 10 days ... the fatigue was kind of fun but degraded quality of life somewhat, and the whole thing really hammered into my seasonal depression. Drugs fixed all, thankfully, and there are no lingering issues from that little adventure. Just a slightly better insight into the realm of insanity.No sooner had I recovered from the neck, a lower back muscle infection started rabbit-punching the hell out of my nerves. Straight into two weeks of good old fashion P...A...I...N. Never felt anything like it. Random attack, relentless agony and rendered completely unable to function. Drugs did not work, so (before ripping my spine out with kitchen implements) I was wheeled into St Paul's operating theatre on Valentine's Day. Checked out Sunday night. Feeling considerably better now, but there's massive angry hole where the Gremlins used to party so lots of antibiotics and the slightly evil Tramadol for the foreseeable.No cigars or alcohol for weeks. Many weeks. Past, present or future. Actually, the lack of alcohol has been pleasant but the cigars are sorely missed. That's my biggest annoyance. At least the painkillers afford me some minor amusement if you take the entire daily dose at breakfast.It's almost possible to function normally now, so I returned to work at the studio today. Canto-pop never sounded so good. On Ultracet. Anyway –the point of this post: – there are a billion people out in the World suffering a billion worse agonies, so all in all my problems amount to, well ... fuck all. Just wanted to explain the absence. Blog to resume normal service very soon. Positive points of note: Got my MS20 under control from Logic and having fun with that, wrote two tech-house songs and have begun a third, completed Fallout 3 (once good, once evil), received a big fat cheque for the film / TV music cues I completed over Xmas, didn't die, didn't kill anyone.A good year so far.

15 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
Jayfc 5d jayfc
welcome back bro.. hope you're feeling better.. and to think i was whinging about a sunburnt lip... perspective is indeed a good thing.
15 年多 ago


Arrive not Dead.


July 6, 2007