Official Artist
Dax Phelan
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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I met Ed Sanchez through Byron Mann about a year or so ago in Hong Kong.  At the time, Ed was in the middle of prepping his latest horror film, "Seventh Moon," and I was conducting research for a horror project of my own, titled "Lest They Be Forgotten."  In addition to being the writer-director of the mega-successful 1999 indie horror flick, "The Blair Witch Project," Ed has an encyclopedic knowledge of the horror genre and is a hell of a nice guy.  In short, we hit it off immediately.  Anyway, it's now a year later and Ed's film is starting to hit screens around the country.  I haven't seen the film yet, but am looking forward to it.  The horror genre has been good to me and I love Hong Kong, so the combination of the two is irresistible.  The teaser trailer has been uploaded to Youtube and you can view it here:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5L3_s7LbfY

I also recommend checking out the film's website, since Ed has a real knack for web promotion. 




over 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
pretty cool.except i got desensitized to horror already i think.
over 15 years ago


\"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.\" -Henry David Thoreau \"The harder I work, the luckie

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June 22, 2007