@MissKimH also @supercapitalist & here's a short to tie you over directed by cute small friend @StetsonXiaoLi http://t.co/CHwNHWmaYF
@MissKimH should have subtitles. But it may be better to get someone who can read and search the net in Chinese to find it for you.
@MissKimH Mando
@MissKimH nope that's not it. It's a chinese film http://t.co/ahdr9FaLyy
@MissKimH Game Of Assassins 刺客 if you can find it
@MissKimH @OsricChau @IronFists thanks! :)
RT @elvraine: Late night snack: Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream & some Banana Cream Pie -> going bananas! ? #naughtybutnice @DarrenES…
@hellojoesmith @AHFanCon @garfieldwilson @AnthonyKonechny sure
RT @elvraine: Darren - meaning of Darren name http://t.co/gRcMz9ZCv3 via @po_st @DarrenEScott
Follow me on twitter @DarrenEScott www.darrenescott.com Do you feel cold and lost in desperation? You build up hope but failure's all you've known Remem