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My One Shot at a Dancing Career

Someone SMS'd me today to tell me that they spotted one of my commercials so I thought I would share.  You can catch it only on CNBC I think.  Here's the link.



16 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Business Conceirge Season I Comes to an End

Well the last episode of Business Conceirge aired yesterday which brings the season to an end.  I would like to thank all of you who watched.  As I look back and reflect it was a great adventure and I hope that I have many more to come.  For those of you who missed it, I'm sure that Channel News Asia will air it again sometime in the new future.

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Cover of Tic Talk Magazine

Hey y'all.  My cover of Tic Talk Magazine is now on the shelves.  I'm in some of the photos inside as well.   Mainly available in Indonesia but you can find it in some of the bigger book stores in Asia like Dymocks at IFC mall in Hong Kong.  Check it out.


16 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

24 Herbs at Delay No Mall

A friend took me to the Grand Opening of Delay No Mall which featured 24 herbs.  Now Honestly I am not a big fan of rap music, Eminem, a little Jay Z with Link'n Park and some good old fashion Run DMC is about as far as I would push it.  But other than that not a fan at all and having worked in nite clubs in Vancouver that have hosted live concerts for so called up and coming rap groups turned me off even more.. especially when me and the door crew would get into a brawl with fans after (kicking their asses of course).  Anyways ...Read more

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More about me and my works

Here's a great commercial that I did a few years back.  It's a great concept that makes you really think about how the world is today.  I was very proud of this ad because it was a nation wide search in Canada and they never even did called backs.  They casted me , an ASIAN GUY, for this ad out of hundreds of people.  Again this site keeps rejecting my url's from myspace so here's a link.

        http://vi...Read more

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Break The Ice

Well still being new to this site I thought i would show off one of my recent campaigns.  It started off in Singapore and got lots of attention and should be making it's way to five other countries either now or soon.  Not sure if it will be seen in Hong Kong.

Can't seem to upload the video from Myspace but here's the link .....

http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=26674325Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Business Concierge airing now.

Check out Business Concierge on Saturdays and Sundays on Channel News Asia.  Check you areas for local listings on www.channelnewsasia.com.  It's a little late into the season but some of you should be able to catch the last two episodes so don't miss out.

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16 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares


Follow me on twitter @DarrenEScott www.darrenescott.com Do you feel cold and lost in desperation? You build up hope but failure's all you've known Remem


Vancouver, Canada
January 19, 2008