Just finished my two day Professional Actor's Workshop with Jeanne Hartman. It was good to really work my skills again and really sharpen my tools when it comes to auditioning. One big thing I got out of it was on my last day when I tried and really crashed on my attempt at a Sitcom TV scene. If you remember last year I tried Sitcom for the first time and peformed in front of an audience and was quite successful. However the scene I tried in Jeanne's class had a different approach and proved to be a challenge. Of course I would have been disappointted had I walked away from this workshop without attemtping something and failing.... it's how you improve as an actor. If you're always perfect or told that you are, then you will never grow. This can be applied to any other aspect of your life. Since I have been to Asia I can honestly say that I have not heard of or seen many great acting courses and fortunately for me I was spoiled when I lived in Vancouver because I had worked with some many great ones. What am I trying to say.... Jeanne being out here is a rare opportunity to get the type of training you need to improve and also be ready for Hollywood. I know that many actors out here rarely audition or have to. But don't wait for that audition of a lifetime to come your way and NOT BE READY for it. Jason Tobin has gone to great lengths to bring Jeanne out here because he wants to see the talent pool in Asia grow. I was shocked to hear that there were still some open spots left. So my testimonial for this workshop::
It's been ok to complain that there are no good acting courses out here in Asia, or that your career is going no where. But if you don't attend this.... then you have no right to complain anymore. Dive in with an open mind and just BE.
Thank you Jeanne and thank you Jason for bringing her to us.
Follow me on twitter @DarrenEScott www.darrenescott.com Do you feel cold and lost in desperation? You build up hope but failure's all you've known Remem