To Everyone at AnD, prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /
One of the film projects I have been working on is called "The Battle of Hong Kong" (九港大戰). It's set in an apocalyptic worldwhere theprefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /KowloonCityand the Island City of Hong Kong are separated and they wage war against each other for survival.
Due to the concentration of resources, theIslandCitydeclaredits independence, countlessKowloonnatives rushed to theIslandborder looking for refuge. TheIslandCouncil granted citizenships to thoseKowloonnatives who werewilling to work as slaves to rebuild their infrastructure.Years have gone by and Kowloonlegendshas it thata Kowloon slave will one day rise to free his people from the control of the Islanders and wage war against them to take back their land and reclaim Hong Kong...
Reason I found this subject so interesting is because eventhough Hong Kong is such a small place, the people are so different depending on the areas they live in. I have been bringing my scrīpt to numerous film festivals looking for financing and people always ask me, which side I am on…
So now I put the question to you, if in the future, if war breaks out betweenKowloonCity andHong KongIsland, which side are you on and why?