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The Cure | The Cure |The Cure

Went to The Cure show here in Hong Kong last night and what an impressive show it was! I went in thinking it was going to be a fat and old Robert Smith playing a couple classics then mostly a bunch of newer stuff that no one really knew for 45 minutes. To my surprise, however, their set lasted almost three hours and was chocked full of the old school goodies! And although he is old and fat now, his voice sounds as good and strong as ever.

I hobbled in on my crutches to the standing room floor area of the Asian Expo Arena excited to see the band I never got to see in high-school and was surprised to see such a huge turnout. I didn't think too many locals were into The Cure. It was definitely a much more mature affair. Not many people under 25 and there were a lot of balding white guys dancing around reminiscing their college days. About half an hour into the show a security guard offered me a chair near the sound booth. I'm glad I took him up on the offer because my one good leg was already getting sore however, I did have to jump up to get a little groove on when songs like "Friday I'm in Love", "Lovesong" and "Just Like Heaven" came on. The crowd was also one on the best I have ever seen in HK. Usually local crowds are quite dead but last night the whole arena was dancing and singing along. Their double encore was finished off with "Boys Don't Cry", a perfect end to a great show.

Robert Smith was so hot at one point he turned into a giant fireball right there on stage!

| 昨晚看了The Cure在香港的演唱會,超級棒!起初以為會是又肥又老的Robert Smith先唱幾首經典老歌,然後一群無名之輩再出場唱個45分鐘。出乎我的意料,演出持續了差不多3小時,而且全是經典校園老歌!他的確又肥又老,但聲音還是一樣好聽而有力。

我拄著拐杖來到亞洲博覽館的站臺區,很興奮的想看看高中時代沒機會見到的樂隊。竟然來了那麽多觀眾,沒想到本地有這麽多人喜歡The Cure。絕對是成年人的盛事,大部分觀眾都在25歲以上,很多已經禿頂的白人還一邊跳舞回憶著他們的大學時代。表演開始大約半小時後,一個保安給了我一張靠近音響室的椅子。我很開心的接受了,因為那條好腿已經開始痛起來。但是當"Friday I'm in Love"、"Lovesong"和"Just Like Heaven"這些歌開始響起時,我不得不跳起來才能聽到一些旋律。這些觀眾是我在香港見過最棒的,一般的本地觀眾都很沈默,但昨晚整個臺下大家都在跳舞、一起唱。他們兩次Encore,以"Boys Don't Cry"完美地結束了很棒的演出。

Robert Smith太火爆了,以致於某個時刻他在舞臺上幻化成了巨大的火球!

 昨晚看了The Cure在香港的演唱会,超级棒!起初以为会是又肥又老的Robert Smith先唱几首经典老歌,然后一群无名之辈再出场唱个45分钟。出乎我的意料,演出持续了差不多3小时,而且全是经典校园老歌!他的确又肥又老,但声音还是一样好听而有力。

我拄着拐杖来到亚洲博览馆的站台区,很兴奋的想看看高中时代没机会见到的乐队。竟然来了那么多观众,没想到本地有这么多人喜欢The Cure。绝对是成年人的盛事,大部分观众都在25岁以上,很多已经秃顶的白人还一边跳舞回忆着他们的大学时代。表演开始大约半小时后,一个保安给了我一张靠近音响室的椅子。我很开心的接受了,因为那条好腿已经开始痛起来。但是当"Friday I'm in Love"、"Lovesong"和"Just Like Heaven"这些歌开始响起时,我不得不跳起来才能听到一些旋律。这些观众是我在香港见过最棒的,一般的本地观众都很沉默,但昨晚整个台下大家都在跳舞、一起唱。他们两次Encore,以"Boys Don't Cry"完美地结束了很棒的演出。

Robert Smith太火爆了,以致于某个时刻他在舞台上幻化成了巨大的火球!

17 年多 前 0 赞s  48 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha, i'm almost sad i passed on going! (i saw them in SF like 10 years ago, that was enough for me!)
17 年多 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
cooll.. i am so sad that i missed yet another concert.. why on a monday???? i was into them growing up... and now i can't believe that they are still cool and played..heard it was an awesome concert..
17 年多 ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
I was there too! I didn't see you because we were stuck in the seats...
17 年多 ago
Mylovepuzzle ef mylovepuzzle
17 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005