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Daniel Wu
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The Assassination of Our Past. | 謀殺過往 |谋杀过往

As the last of the protestors were dragged away by police from Queen’s Pier Tuesday night, I could not help but feel emotions of sorrow, to anger, to helplessness. Hong Kong is losing its heritage, its history and its sense of self. We are stuck with a government that believes economics can solve everything but they are sorely wrong.

                                           Buildings and sites of historical importance help to shape and make a city. They remind us of the importance of our past and inspire visions of the future. They are the key elements in the making of a place. They are relics that our city can be proud of. They should be celebrated and protected, but instead we are witnessing their slow and systematic assassination by a government made up of businessmen that have become far removed from the people whom they supposedly represent.

    Chief Executive Donald Tsang claims that being overzealous in saving the past may hurt Hong Kong's competitiveness, and has asked activists to take a more balanced view toward economic growth and conservation. It’s sad to hear our leader make such ludicrous and uniformed statements such as this. The Queen’s Pier area and the entire Central Harbor will be replaced with a new highway and shopping mall. Is it all worth the destruction of the entire Central Harbor front? The very “Fragrant Harbor” that made this city? Do we really need yet another shopping mall to maintain our “competitiveness”? Please tell me where is the balance?

One by one we are seeing the places of yesterday being destroyed, demolished, killed. Star Ferry Pier was the beginning and now Queen’s Pier. Who knows what’s next? But as developers set their sights on projects that they can milk more government money out of, I’m sure this will not be the end.  One by one they will go and pretty soon there will be no reminders of the past, no more history, only endless rows of interconnected, over air-conditioned shopping malls forcing us to consume, consume, consume and forget about the past.

                            Read more about Star Ferry Pier here

| 上周二的晚上,當最後一個抗議者被警察從皇後碼頭擡走,我的情緒由悲哀到氣憤再到無助。香港正在丟掉它的傳統、歷史及自我。我們的政府相信經濟能解決一切問題,但他們大錯特錯了。


保留具歷史紀念意義的建築和場所對一個城市至關重要。他們讓我們回憶過去,激勵我們向更美好的未來進發。他們是城市的標誌物,讓我們為身在這裏感到驕傲。 他們應當被紀念、被保護,現實卻是我們目擊了他們被那些本被指望代表現在卻遠離人民意誌的商人所掌控的政府緩慢而有計劃的謀殺。


 特首曾蔭權說,過度的文物保育可能會削弱香港的競爭力,他要求激進主義分子多考慮發展經濟與保守之間的平衡關系。聽到我們的特首說這樣可笑而官方的言論感 覺很難過。皇後碼頭和整個中環港將被新的公路和購物中心取代。值得破壞前面的整個中環港嗎?真要拆掉這個為城市命名的”芬芳的港口”?我們果真需要另一個購物中心以保持”競爭力”?請告訴我哪裏是平衡點?


老建築就這樣眼睜睜被破壞和毀棄。由天星碼頭開始,現在是皇後碼頭,下一個會是哪裏?政府用他們的眼光看到了更多經濟收益,但我肯定這還沒結束,他們會一 個一個來,很快我們將不再有過去、不再有歷史,只有一排排無窮盡的商業大樓,吹著過度冷氣的購物中心逼著我們消費、消費、再消費,直至忘記過去。

                            Read more about Star Ferry Pier here更多了解 天星碼頭更多了解天星码头

|  上周二的晚上,当最后一个抗议者被警察从皇后码头抬走,我的情绪由悲哀到气愤再到无助。香港正在丢掉它的传统、历史及自我。我们的政府相信经济能解决一切问题,但他们大错特错了。


保留具历史纪念意义的建筑和场所对一个城市至关重要。他们让我们回忆过去,激励我们向更美好的未来进发。他们是城市的标志物,让我们为身在这里感到骄傲。 他们应当被纪念、被保护,现实却是我们目击了他们被那些本被指望代表现在却远离人民意志的商人所掌控的政府缓慢而有计划的谋杀。


特首曾荫权说,过度的文物保育可能会削弱香港的竞争力,他要求激进主义分子多考虑发展经济与保守之间的平衡关系。听到我们的特首说这样可笑而官方的言论感 觉很难过。皇后码头和整个中环港将被新的公路和购物中心取代。值得破坏前面的整个中环港吗?真要拆掉这个为城市命名的”芬芳的港口”?我们果真需要另一个购物中心以保持”竞争力”?请告诉我哪里是平衡点?


老建筑就这样眼睁睁被破坏和毁弃。由天星码头开始,现在是皇后码头,下一个会是哪里?政府用他们的眼光看到了更多经济收益,但我肯定这还没结束,他们会一 个一个来,很快我们将不再有过去、不再有历史,只有一排排无穷尽的商业大楼,吹着过度冷气的购物中心逼着我们消费、消费、再消费,直至忘记过去。


Read about Queen's Pier here更多了解皇後碼頭更多了解皇后码头

over 16 years ago 0 likes  100 comments  0 shares
Photo 33427
here here -- people really do need to make themselves more aware of future development projects so that protests can be started earlier & hopefully become more meaningful. the government & 'civil service' only seems to exist in order to put money into the pockets of a few large conglomerates... and is totally unaccountable for their actions. another reason why they are dragging their heels on universal suffrage.
over 16 years ago
Photo 33427
the new / planned government offices lined up for the Tamar site should be the next point of protest. why not move all 160,000* of the useless buggers up into the New Territories ... getting that number of workers out of congested Central would certainly improve HK on a number of levels :) * http://jmsc.hku.hk/hkstories/content/view/105/1307/
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i was just having dinner in Western Market, i think that is a good example of how to transform a historic building into something modern and useful without destroying it. These places have value, its a shame to throw all that away. and filling in the entire bay, thats another issue...
over 16 years ago
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
It's disgraceful what they are doing. And next is the wet market in Central...
over 16 years ago
Photo 32986
Yea man, totally support your view, i was there that night at the rally mingling with the crowd... this whole incident sort of answers why people call Hong Kong a cultural desert... Disregard for history...just follow the motto: I shop...therefore I am... Wake up the people of Hong Kong!!!
over 16 years ago


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