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Terence Sings Hallelujah|尹子維演唱"哈裏路亞"|尹子维演唱"哈里路亚"|テレンスの歌う賛美歌

    Damn! Brandon beat me to the punch! Here's my version of Terence singing Hallelujah. I was playing around with the HD video feature on my Canon 5D MkII. I

was really amazed at the quality that I got and I didn't even light it. There is no auto focus when shooting in video so I had to pull the focus myself and because I was using a telephoto lens that made the depth of focus short, it was hard to stay on him. Turns out it created a nice effect with his singing, which was very much on point that night.


    見鬼! Brandon 比我搶先一步! 這是我用佳能 5D MkII 拍攝的尹子維演唱"哈裏路亞"的視頻。我對這台數碼單反已經愛不釋手,還沒看過拍攝效果如此之棒的相機。


    见鬼! Brandon 比我抢先一步! 这是我用佳能 5D MkII 拍摄的尹子维演唱"哈里路亚"的视频。我对这台数码单反已经爱不释手,还没看过拍摄效果如此之棒的相机。


    ちくしょう!ブランドンにやられちゃった!ここにテレンスが賛美歌を歌うところの僕のバージョンを見せるよ。僕はHDのCanon 5D

Mkllで撮影したんだ。僕の撮影したビデオの画質に本当に驚いちゃった。僕は照明なんか使ってないんだよ。撮影中にオートフォーカス機能がないから、僕 は自分で焦点をあわせなきゃならなかったんだ。というのも、僕は望遠レンズを使っていて、焦点深度が浅くなってしまって、テレンスを映し続けるのが大変 だったんだ。結果としてあの晩大切だったこと、つまりテレンスの歌に効果が出たよ

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  77 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice! and video quality is good!
接近 15 年 ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Amazing looking video with great sound too, but I bet you edited that in. Looks better than when I saw it live. It captured Terence's beautiful performance. Great camera and great shooting.
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 108412
i didn't know Terence can sing like this!:D 5D MkII is such a good camera! and works unbelievably good in low light situations. p.s. your filming is awesome! i love those deliberate shakes and out of focus takes.
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 214991
Terence singing & the camera WOW Impressive stuff!!! Need to buy this camera I think!!!
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 22991
Great video and singing. Terence is so expressive.....it'd be nice if can karaoke one day heh
接近 15 年 ago
Johnnylu f9 johnnylu
Just played with a friend's 5D. He was telling me about the video capabilities. But Damn... after seeing that clip you shot, I think you can shoot a whole movie on that thing.
接近 15 年 ago
Kenjilui 15 blog profile
the quality is really good.. does it also look good on a bigger screen?
接近 15 年 ago
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 319485
Looks great! It really makes for a cool effect. Brilliant! I really like the audio levels and framing too :) ~Shairah~
接近 15 年 ago
37520 200909222230394 dot thumb
NICE One man....wow...really good sound too !!!
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 87684
1pinecone I know I bought canon 1000d half year ago and now last month change to 500d cause it can film which really major difference and love it. But rather had waited half year if they said they would bring they in the video in the new camera.
接近 15 年 ago
Nice job on the vocals T, feelin that anointing brotha~ Jun very nice on the guitar...and not too shabby on the camera work Dan~!
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 95928
Talented geezers. Great subject and nicely shot. The 5D is a very cool camera. Nice job. The tilt down and then focus on Jun works brilliantly.
接近 15 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005