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Photoshop Madness!|瘋狂Photoshop!|疯狂Photoshop!|フォトショップ狂い!

Woah! Two blogs in one day!!!

My sister is getting really good with Photoshop. She sent this to my whole family the other day and said she saw it while driving through Tsim Sha Tsui. I believed it for about two seconds but my Mom on the other hand was upset that I allowed someone to put that poster up on a building without getting her permission first. I told her not to worry, she looks still looks beautiful in the picture and it won't be up for much longer. At her age she has no idea what Photoshop is and that anyone with some time, patience and a home computer can do this stuff nowadays. |Woah! 一天兩篇博客!!!

最近我姐姐用Photoshop愈加在行,前幾天她發了這張照片給我們全家,說是開車路過尖沙咀時看到的。我一開始還相信了她,但媽媽卻不開心,因為沒得到她的同意,我就讓別人把照片放大了掛在大廈上。我告訴她別擔心,照片裏她看起來很美,而且也不會掛很長時間。在她這個年紀,對Photoshop毫無概念,也不知道現在任何人只要花點時間和耐心,在家用電腦上就能做出這個來了。 |Woah! 一天两篇博客!!!

最近我姐姐用Photoshop愈加在行,前几天她发了这张照片给我们全家,说是开车路过尖沙咀时看到的。我一开始还相信了她,但妈妈却不开心,因为没得到她的同意,我就让别人把照片放大了挂在大厦上。我告诉她别担心,照片里她看起来很美,而且也不会挂很长时间。在她这个年纪,对Photoshop毫无概念,也不知道现在任何人只要花点时间和耐心,在家用电脑上就能做出这个来了。 | わー!一日にブログ二本!!!

姉はフォトショップが上手いんだ。ある日、姉がこの写真を家族中に送ってね、こう言うんだ。チムサーチョイを運転して見つけたって。僕は二秒くらい信じた んだけど、反対に母は怒ったね。僕が母の承諾なしにこのポスターをビルに貼らせたって。僕はこう答えたんだ。心配しないで、母さんはきれいに写ってるし、 そう長い間貼られているわけじゃないからって。母の年になると、フォトショップの概念もないし、現代ではちょっとやれば、誰でも家のコンピューターで簡単 にできるってこともよくわからないみたいんだ。

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  110 评论s  0 shares
Img 4957
hahahahaa... www.photofunia.com they have something like that on this website, lotsa fun!
大约 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha, how dare they!
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 23833
thats pretty good!!
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 22991
i tot it was Photoshop too. But it's an even easier program at www.photofunia.com, just upload your photo and it does the rest. u can see mine at http://www.alivenotdead.com/cloudz7/Playing+with+PhotoFunia-profile-343954.html
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 65978
thats awesome. gg your sister.
大约 16 年 ago
37520 200909222230394 dot thumb
HAHA,,,,,,good one....thats a good prank on aunty wu.she must be furious i could imagine...but i really does look very real !!! great job sis....haha....
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 214991
Quite amazing how photoshot influences so many aspects of our daily lives today! Most of us don't even realise!?
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 34610
Excellent work.
大约 16 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005