Claudia Sierra
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My stopmotion project

Before I moved from prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /Wuhan to Shenzhen, I was working in a stop motion project. prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /

   I watched some amazing shorts made with this technique and I fell in love with this kind of animation. I was so excited with the idea of making a film like this, that I created a story, drew the story board and I started making the sets immediately.  

    I thought that later it would be easy to find somebody in that city that would like to join me in this project. But I was wrong.

    In Wuhan there isn’t a community of artists or people that really love animation or filmmaking, so I couldn’t find anybody to help me.

  Because stop motion require long time and a lot of patient, I knew that I couldn’t finish all by myself, so I decided to pack all set and materials in boxes and postpone this project for the future when I would move to another city and I could find people that like this kind of animation.


Anyway here are some pictures of the set and the puppet I was sculpting   













These were suppose to be the metallic armature of the puppets


 It looks scary! I sculpted the head and hands with Super sculpy. Then I was suppose to bake them and when they would be hard as stones make a mold with a special kind of  white hard silicon. When that would be ready I would use the mold to fill it with a soft skin color silicone that looks just like human skin. The problem was that when I put the parts in the oven I forgot to turn off the grill and I burned all the pieces. It was horrible. I will try again next time.







14 年多 前 0 赞s  27 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, freaking amazing! gotta spotlight this one! ;-)
14 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
how many people and how much time do you need to finish this? I hope we can help find you some help here in hk!
14 年多 ago
This reminds me of the "Miniature Killer" storyline from CSI. Your stuff looks awesome!
14 年多 ago
Photo 214991
The details and finish look amazing! Hope you get an opportunity to finish this project soon?
14 年多 ago
Photo 49112
WOW! great work!! O_O
14 年多 ago
Prodipleung 6a prodipleung
good to see this !
14 年多 ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
oh that is the coolestttttt
14 年多 ago
That's awesome! I've always wanted to do it too but I wasn't sure if I had the patience or the know. The photography is easy but making the sets and making the figures moves and come to life properly is the hard part!
14 年多 ago
Default avatar
Your miniatures are amazing, Beautiful work! Being also Stop Motion lovers, we've been working on our animated short for a while. We wish you the best to finish your film in a near future!
14 年多 ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
Wow, simply crazy and amazing. Can't wait to see it finished.
14 年多 ago
Photo 61114
These are AMAZING! Love the level of detail and the texture of the materials you chose! I've been wanting to film something with miniature effects + CG enhancements for a long time now. I would love to talk to you about this! Do you come to Hong Kong often?
14 年多 ago
Photo 36943
Looks amazing.
14 年多 ago
Photo 556641
Wowzer!!!! Love what you are doing here! It looks great already. So amazing! I love stop-motion animation movies, I often found the behind-the-scene/the-making-of is equally (if not more) fascinating than the movie.
14 年多 ago
Photo 205698
Claudia I am directing a stop motion commercial please contact me at johnwong692003@gmail.com this is a pay gig. We are shooting in Shanghai. Please contact me asap!!!! Regards, John Wong
14 年多 ago


The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.


english, itallian, spanish
Guangdong, China
April 20, 2008