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Chung Tsang
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BYOB in West Kowloon

After going to the Matinee for 'Hijacking the Northern Star' (which by the way is a very good play with some strong acting from a bunch of AnD actors), I headed over in the evening to the West Kowloon Promenade.  This is where they held the opening for the new BYOB outdoor exhibition of Urbanism and Architecture.  It's a short walk from the Elements mall and exit of the Airport express Kowloon station. 

I first learned of this from Daniel Wu's blog about his involvement:  http://www.alivenotdead.com/daniel/If-I-had-to-quit-acting--profile-853082.html

I saw the pictures and knew I had to pay a visit.  It is an amazing structure designed by Daniel Wu and coupled with some innovative LED lighting designed by Teddy Lo, the curved bamboo structure create a welcoming and inspiring environment underneath the concrete congestion of the ICC skyline.  Here are a few shots I took from the night, and I think any photographer or filmmakers would fall in love with this location and the structure and hopefully many will make use of this beautiful structure as a backdrop during the next few months when it's up on display.  


     Goto the BYOB site to find out more about the exhibit and other items on display there:


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On a related note, I saw this picture of the new Guggenheim restaurant appropriately named 'Wright' within the recently renovated Guggenheim Museum.  I love the colors and all those curves.  Beautiful. 

over 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Boon, unfortunately not in HK, it's in NYC.
over 14 years ago
Photo 82035
cool! the west kowloon promenade looks wicked! especially with the funky lighting!!
over 14 years ago
Photo 518919
Have taste
over 14 years ago


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