Official Artist
Chris Downs
Actor , Producer , MC / Show Host
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Getting to it!

I'm going to set this page up eventually. I swear. (ready for my excuses?) We had a Typhoon over the weekend so I was late to go to Hong Kong and I just got back and, not only do I have all this stuff to catch up to but, I have to play ice hockey in Taipei tonight and tomorrow I have to go rehearse scrīpts for the 12 episodes we'll be filming in a couple days, plus Phoebe has her openning night of "6 Ee Bang" (read it as chinese if you can - the new Hugh S Grant play) on Friday (I'm going to see it Saturday day!) and I'm MCing the openning of the CIHL on Saturday night and playing "our" first game Sunday night so.... haven't gotten around to it. Excuse me now while I go for a nap.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Have a GREAT day!

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english, mandarin, french
Location (City, Country)
Taipei, Taiwan
Member Since
September 20, 2008