Hey hey hey everyone!
it is Chloe Wang here typing to you guys on my first blog EVER, so this is pretty exciting for me! I was in Beijing for the past few months, and I released my first single "Uh Oh" which was a totally awesome experience. This is what I have been up to in China:
Check out my first music video in mandarin!
I got to film my first music video and perform for the first time in front of 30,000 people at the Zebra Music Festival in Chengdu on May 1-3rd!
http://video.sina.com.cn/ent/y/2009-05-03/012640912.shtml So pretty much I have experienced a lot of firsts in the past few months! And there are going to be a lot more first to come, which is why I have this blog! So I don't have to keep it all to myself, I can share it with all of you guys. I will be posting pictures and videos and all kinds of stuff so you guys can experience everything I'm doing right along side with me.
Because trust me everything can get pretty crazy! From photoshoots, performances, traveling the world and meeting new people that I never thought I'd meet, It has been and it is going to be a pretty craaaazyyy ride! So please stay tuned!
|嗨嗨嗨,大家好,我是汪可盈,這是我的第一篇博客,真是開心! 過去幾個月我在北京,發行了首支個人單曲"Uh Oh",相當棒的經歷。我還拍了第一支MV、第一次在2萬5千名觀眾前表演~ 過去幾個月內,我經歷了許多第一次! 今後還會有更多第一次接踵而至,所以我開了這個博客! 要跟大家一起分享。很快我會在這兒發布照片、視頻和許多新鮮玩意兒,跟大家共同經歷這美妙的一切。
相信我,一切都將變得更瘋狂! 拍照、演出、周遊世界、遇到從未想過能見到的人,太瘋狂,一切還將更瘋狂! 所以你們要經常來看我!
|嗨嗨嗨,大家好,我是汪可盈,这是我的第一篇博客,真是开心! 过去几个月我在北京,发行了首支个人单曲"Uh Oh",相当棒的经历。我还拍了第一支MV、第一次在2万5千名观众前表演~ 过去几个月内,我经历了许多第一次! 今后还会有更多第一次接踵而至,所以我开了这个博客! 要跟大家一起分享。很快我会在这儿发布照片、视频和许多新鲜玩意儿,跟大家共同经历这美妙的一切。
相信我,一切都将变得更疯狂! 拍照、演出、周游世界、遇到从未想过能见到的人,太疯狂,一切还将更疯狂! 所以你们要经常来看我!