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Portfolio Makeup School Shoot for GARY CHUNG!|為Gary Chung而拍的硬照化妝學院照片﹗|为Gary Chung而拍的硬照化妆学院照片﹗

I'm sooooo happy that Gary and I are working together again!

For those who have not read my earlier blogs... Gary Chung is not only one of HK's top makeup artists, but he is the man behind the makeup in my music video amongst other campaigns including Sofina and E. Funkhauser

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65MAdg2H5u4

This time, I was hired alongside Paula Taylor and Coraline (we are all Calcarries Models!) to be the face of his Makeup School's most recent ad - Portfolio Makeup School. Our make up were respectively done by his students (Paula's make up was a bridal look, mine a sexy one, and Coraline's a fancy party one)

It was a lot of fun! We all got along like a house on fire and came back with some memories to keep!

                                                                    |           我真的非常非常非常很高興能夠再次跟Gary Chung合作﹗

看過我以前寫的網誌也知道Gary Chung不只是全香港最頂級的化妝師。他也是在我MV裡和其它廣告(如Sofina, E. Funkhauser等等)負責我的化妝。

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65MAdg2H5u4

今次我跟Paula Taylor和Caroline(我們三個都是Calcarries的合約模特兒)被邀請做他的化妝學院最新廣告的代言人。我們的化妝全部由他的學生造 的。(Paula的化妝是結婚新娘形象﹐我的是較為性感的﹐和Caroline的是較為濃重派對妝)


                                |           我真的非常非常非常很高兴能够再次跟Gary Chung合作﹗

看过我以前写的网志也知道Gary Chung不只是全香港最顶级的化妆师。他也是在我MV裡和其它广告(如Sofina, E. Funkhauser等等)负责我的化妆。

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65MAdg2H5u4

今次我跟Paula Taylor和Caroline(我们三个都是Calcarries的合约模特儿)被邀请做他的化妆学院最新广告的代言人。我们的化妆全部由他的学生造的。(Paula的化妆是结婚新娘形象﹐我的是较为性感的﹐和Caroline的是较为浓重派对妆)


14 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, quite an outfit!
14 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ps - i love the video (i don't know if i told you this before) , its a good song and the fact that the MV is on the tram is icing on the cake. :-D btw - just curious, did you guys actually rent the tram out or just jump on one and start shooting? ;-)
14 年多 ago
Celina 22046615 1614778101877994 2904770034740622593 n
haha of course we rented the tram! although it'd be pretty exciting to jump on and off hehe Yuekai, this is song is the theme song of legendary assassin. It was released in the gold label theme song compilation.. Cx
14 年多 ago



Hong Kong
May 13, 2008