Official Artist
Carl Choi
Music Producer
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Asia Adventures

When they say Life in Asia is fast... they mean it. Our trip to Beijing went extremely well with the show completely blowing everyone out of the waters. Nothing the club has ever seen nor experiences... so of course, Bacardi wants more!!! So looks like the "Bacardi Boyz" will be hitting the clubs of China soon enough... in the meantime, I'm glad I'm going home tomorrow. =)One thing I love about Beijing... Giant Posters!

Sound checking at Club Vic's... haha across the street from Club Mix... of course, Creativity is KEY!


My second favorite thing I like in Beijing is the Hot Pots!!!


Beijing got a dayam good crowd. For one reason or another, something about Beijing and the vibe of the people is very liberating. Its like they're experiencing freedom so there are many people with super open mindedness. You could see diversity in the club like no tomorrow and people party much harder than anywhere else... I think beyond that, I love the space in Beijing!!! The night was a jammed night... even TomNgo was Rockin Out!!!


Examples of Drunkin Females


Fruit anyone???


Random Kickin it night before HangZhou with Mr Van Ness himself!


Then it was quickly off to HangZhou... the Barcardi Boyz representin in the Elevator!!!


Jin in HangZhou, rockin it like he always does. =)


I Love my Cigars...


and Late Night food in HangZhou is NOT For me...


Touring Class Picture


Then off to Hong Kong we went!!! haha since it was a separate trip than the tour, only Jin and I rolled through and represented! Of course, there is always something about Hong Kong that I'll always be attached to. Its almost like because I was born there... setting my feet on the floor automatically make me feel like a new man. The Food, the Air, the Deserts, the People... I Love it all and look forward to the next time I'm back.


Of course we had to hang out with Mr Sam Lee and our Chi-Gong master Brian Woo!!!


Somehow, Someway, we ended up backstage at the My Chemical Romance Concert????


After the long ass concert, went to meet up at the after party with the KICKS/HI guys... dude, they're good dudes and got a full on education on the Street Wear culture today!!!!


Then it was lunch time with Grandpa Tony (Jin reunited with his lost Grandpa of 15 years on the last trip) and the AliveNotDead crew


Meet Thumb Tack before we hit the nightlife!!!


Daniel invited us to his spot RACKS in HK along with Conroy and the boyz from 24 Herbs.


Then off to Model's night at Volar!!! oh and did you know Jackie Chan had a son???


Gotta chill with Big Bro Brian!!!


Can Orisue drink???


and Finally back to China... WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MOVIE WORLD BOOTLEG CITY?!?!?!


AND What do you know about EVEN BETTER THAN MOVIE WORLD?!?!? (across the street!)


YUP, so I'm Coming Home Mama!!!

about 17 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
oh god, that last one is hilarious!
about 17 years ago
Photo 41044
looks like you had an awesome time ! I love the picture with the fruit platter...because of that, I have a craving for watermelon now*-*
about 17 years ago
Photo 39462
Thanks for the update :) KUNG HEI FAT CHOI xx
about 17 years ago
Seemed like it was a fun time...wish i was there.....oh wait...I was.!!! Holla atcha boi!
about 17 years ago
Photo 34319
tried to post a wonderful Rick Astley video for you. guess you can't do that. Anyway, come home safely and remember, don't drink the water.
over 16 years ago


One Leg in Hong Kong, One Leg in the USA!

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
May 6, 2007