演员, 歌手, 舞蹈家
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stupid me

talking about inspiration lake, silly stupid me got a minor concussion during the shoot..... sitting on the grass thinking there was to be just grass behind me, so i leaned back and landed on a .....HUGH ROCK!!!!!! i got blacked out for a split of a second, it hurts man..... trying  hard to swallow my tears as i didn't want the others to give me more attention to embarress me even more than the way i felt

anyways, life goes on, i thought i was ok, so kept on shooting and all. in fact i seemed to have even forgotten about it by lunch time..... then comes the next day, still manged to get to work. and then..... IT HITS ME..... got toooo dizzy to do any show..... got sent away and went to the doctor, did a CT scan and all......

ooooo well..... guess i either think i have a really hard skull or i dun really like my head.... it's already the second time i do something stupid like that the first time was when i was in London, i ran into a flat after delieving a line and got bounced back to centre stage DURING MY GRADUTION SHOW CASE  with all the agents, tutors, schoolmates there .......

candy candy candy.....

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares
Photo 34128
Ouch! Ouch ouch!!
接近 17 年 ago


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United States
March 26, 2008