the way people think amuse me...How fast certain 'taboo' issuescan become 'the norm' is alarming.Ok maybe not THAT alarming in what I'm going to say as since day one I thought people are over reacting to the issue, yes you guess it right, I'm talking about the swine flu.Since day one, when my mom was sooo worried about me travelling around, I was like'.....well afterall it's just a flu' and now 2 months into it, since there are sooooo many cases reported in Hong Kong, the government is not even gonna admit the 'minor' cases into the hospital and not going to provide them Tamiflu anymore.The gerenal public's reaction change from once they hear you've recently come back from NY and freak out to gradually switching the focus to longer summer break....don't get me wrong, I think it's good that people are not panicking, but I'm a bit annoyed at how the media was sooooo over dramatic and emotional in the first day and I'm a bit concern at how the socieity was affected, sooo blindingly and sheepish by the media, as if no one really have a voice of our own....We live to fit in the society, but when the society is so easily manipulated, what's 'wrong' yesterday can become tomorrow's 'right', can we still live by the public moral standard? Or should we have our our personal boundaries? And how important does education play in this matter? Aggnorance can be a curse, that's why people discriminate people who are ill or of different race... Education helps understanding and help people to decide for ourselves what 'the norm' and 'taboo' is in their lives, and more importantly help us to realise that just because certain issues has been widly accepted in the society and became 'the norm', i.e. Kids these days are just rude, and it's just a gernation thing, we should get on with it rather than disciplining them and be an adult to tell them what's right from wrong ( well don't get me started... )anyways..... SO, the question is......Where do I stand??? How much am I willing to let go and let the society's view take over my life?????em.......