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The Clockenflap Files




The Clockenflap Files

A HK point of view



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Clockenflap event is a two-day music and visual arts outdoor festival in Hong Kong. I was lucky enough to get some free passes from Choochootv to go to the event and talk to some of the people involved with this awesome festival. I had a great time looking at the various forms of art, watching the local and international bands play and I enjoyed speaking one-on-one with the artists.


On the first day I got to talk to some of my favourite Hong Kong indie bands; Good Fellas and Chochukmo, giving the story a real local point of view. The performances of both these bands were fantastic and they really did a good job of warming the crowd up before the international acts hit the stage. During... and after that, I talked with the crowd about the event and spent the rest of the day enjoying the music and talking with the artists.


They really are GOOD FELLAS



I took a look at Eco Village and spoke to the director of Eco-vision. I talked to the artists who belong to the group S.T.A.R.T (Street-Art) and watched them while they were in action. Unfortunately, these clips were cut for the first day highlights and will be put on in later Clockenflap updates on Choochootv. Otherwise, if we put all of the stuff in there you would be too overwhelmed with information.


So, take a look at the video below which will show you some of the highlights of


Clockenflap: Day 1




The Choochootv crew left the scene around 6pm because of the difficulties interviewing people in the dark. But, I stayed around and listened to some of the international acts. For me, Los Campesinos was definitely a highlight for the day for me. I had never heard of them before, so they were apleasant surprise. The band on before them were quite good. They were from China and really blew me away with their first few songs, but I can't remember their name. Could have been the alcohol that had done that. Did you see them? Tell me, what is their name!I drank all day Saturday and was really drunk by the end of it, meaning that day two of the festival I came back and had one hell of a hangover. It was harder trying to talk to some of the artists while my head was pounding. Day Two was especially hard as many of the artists themselves were hung-over too and drinking again for a second day.

Pretending to be passed out! (Yes... pretending!)

You can really tell from my interview with the graffiti artists that everyone was abit worse for wear. I really had a hard time talking to these guys because they didn’t want me to call their art… ART. So, as you can see in the conversation I was trying to figure out what they wanted to call it, and in the end they just called it decoration. So, it’s not graffiti, not art, not street art… just decoration… right!?


I got to talk to the guys from Poubelle International who are another one of my local favourites. To make the sound fuller they added some brass instruments and got a lending hand from Shaun from the David Bowie Knives. These add-ons were simple there to play three notes, but they played them really well. I also got the pleasure to speak with the organisers of clockenflap, and by the end of the conversation they knew who I was and what band I played for... trying desperately to cement a spot for FBI for next year's show.


Take a look at some of the action from


Clockenflap: Day 2



If you like what you saw, please go towww.choochootv.comand check out more of their Clockenflap files and other channels which include:ArtAttack, HK Live, Band Cult, Bob-Kay Pedia and more...!!!

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over 15 years ago


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