Cain McInerney
演员, 主持人, 歌手
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RENT - my 'One Song Glory'

The production of RENT the musical has to be one of the best experiences of my life. I am really grateful to Lindsey McAllister (Director) for giving me the opportunity to play ROGER in this musical.


Life Support


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This is the biggest role that I have taken on so far since I decided to get back into theatre, and it has been one of the best roles I have played by a mile. Playing Roger was so much fun and I enjoyed being part of such a talented cast.





We had a standing ovation for every single performance: which is unbelievable, and we kept on getting better and better. I have been getting so many great comments about my performance in the show that it is making me think that musical theatre is my calling in life. It is such a difference compared to my role in FBI (which I love), and it shows a different side of me. Playing the character Roger was so easy as he reminded me of myself. I just want to find my ‘One song glory’ and when I first watched the stage performance I could already see myself as him.


La Vie Boheme



This definitely has quickly become myfavouritemusical of all time!


Christmas Bells



Everyone has been asking me, “What’s next?” and “What production am I going to be in next?”… but the unfortunate thing is that I have no idea. I have already been offered roles in two musicals in early 2011, but I have had to turn them down because of a knee problem, which is really disappointing.


La Vie Boheme




The reason is that I will have an operation on my knee next month just before my birthday, and I am not sure how long I will have to wait until I can perform with FBI or be on stage again. Not only that, I will have to have another operation next year in July to reconstruct my ACL. Yep, it sucks! But, it has to be done.


La Vie Boheme



I am so proud of myself for such a great effort in this show especially considering that I have a full-time job, am studying part-time at university, play in a band and came second in the HK Global Battle of the bands final.


Today for you!



The sad thing is that my family couldn’t attend the show as they live in Australia, and it is a little disappointing that not more of my friends could be bothered to come see the show. I guess they have become bored with supporting FBI. But, they really missed out! Too bad for them!


Your Eyes



To end this blog I just wanted to say thanks to all of the cast, especially Allira, who played ‘Mimi’ (my love interest in the show). ‘Without you’ and your support I couldn’t have done it. Thanks again to Lindsey, and a big thanks to Scott Gibson (the musical director) and the band for your awesomeness. Thanks to everyone who came to support me… I am not sure how I can ever top this one!


Seasons of Love


Posters of me (ROGER) at the Pyramid Club and CBGB's

Signing posters after the show

14 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
congrats! sorry I missed it!
14 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, flower baring groupies waiting for you on the street! that's big!
14 年多 ago



Hong Kong
March 12, 2008