I cheated again since Day 3, our last day, ended yesterday. I was a tad bit too fried to blog. Nothing like a day to recharge!
We had our most complex scene on our final day as it was a fight between two girls on Houston in a very busy area. I was curious to see how this was going to play out with all the bystanders, traffic, and noise.
Well, all of those things were a problem to a degree, but once again, our DP saved us with fabulous work as he got everything quickly and efficiently. We staged the scene exactly as it should have unraveled and the talent all nailed it and we got good takes with two girls fake pulling each other's hair out, one giving the other a bloody nose, and screaming. All the commotion had passerbys stopping in their tracks to see what was going on. Pretty funny.
We had the good fortune once again to have all our talent on point tip. I got a young girl I worked with before in a short to fill a part last minute and she really came through. We even had her out before 9pm, which was her cut off time according to mom as she was to start school today bright and early. Is it that time of year already?
My main man Tony came through with some donated food from his parents' restaurant, and the men behind the venue we shot at - a friend's bar - really helped in an immense way by opening their doors to us to make this happen in the first place.
So, like I said...unbelievably coordinated and efficient. This doesn't always happen does it?
The real work now begins as we have to edit the whole thing, find music, and then eventually submit and distribute it through whatever means necessary.
I've learned so much, I've learned too much. And I've learned that this is something that I must do with my life. I got a producer's high...
Stay tuned to see how this all turns out. Thanks for the help and support everyone!!!
Today I finally met Kit Hui. We had lunch and talked shop. A real energetic sweet go-getter....I'm glad to finally have met you!
I'm off to LA in a few hours - pulling an all-nighter so I can just hop on the plane and sleep...LA's for work...we'll see what it brings. I haven't spend a significant amount of time there in a long time, so I'm looking forward to the next 10 days out West.