Official Artist
Brian Yang
Actor , Producer
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Day 2

Day 2 actually ended awhile ago, but since I had a bunch of stuff to get at - dinner, a fantasy football draft, and a jaunt to see someone visiting from out of town - my wrap up had to wait till now.  3:43am in the morn!   The joys of late nite 'net surfing...

Today was a shorter day and compared to all the long days I have worked on a shoot, it felt like it was just an hour.  It was longer than that, but our DP continued to rock it and we continued to get our shots and motor on.  I think it's Clint Eastwood who is known as a two-take man and I guess our forward motion of our shots and scenes mirrors Mr. Mayor of Carmels'.  If I felt like we had what we wanted, we might have taken one more shot for safety, but it was just, "let's go" and move on already!  I can't reiterate how easy our talent has been to work with.  We've kinda just been blessed for the most part with a really easy going collection of people who have been able to nail what their roles are. 

Today, in particular, my appreciation goes out to a few folks who came on set to help us in small, but important capacities.  One was a friend's friend's referral who came to serve as an assistant director, production assistant, scrīpt supervisor, actor all in one.  She came in cold as to who we were and what we were doing essentially, but it turned out great cause she just wanted to come and observe, gain some experience, and make some contacts.  In addition, one of the writer's friends came by to play a bit part, but she just came in and nailed it and was hilarious.  It's people like this, who just come to participate out of the sheer joy of being involved with creating something, who I stand up and applaud.  I know what it's like.  I've been  there and I'm still there.

The more we're going along, the more I'm realizing that it's all about putting dreams into action.  If you build it, they will come.  What started as an idea has become a little project all in its own, attracting likeminded individuals who are interested in helping out.  We put out a casting call, people came, we searched for crew help, some people have come.  It's all been rather seamless, and while I know it can't always be like this, this experience has been extremely rewarding and educational at the same time.

I've also learned why sometimes a director will just put him or herself into a shot.  Sometimes it's the easiest thing to do.  I've had to have my shoulder in a scene today and yesterday, my foot was in something else.  It reminded me of how Alice Wu was actually in a scene in Saving Face.  If anyone knows or caught that, you score big points!   Not quite M. Night-like, but in the same vein. 

Time to hit the hay!

over 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
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why was your foot in there?
over 17 years ago


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