Official Artist
Brian Yang
Actor , Producer
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Day 1

Day 1, our longest day, is done! 

It's roughly 13 hours after we started this morning, and truth be told, that's not really a long day in this biz.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but it went well! 

We have a good team, but mainly it went well today because our DP is really good.  You can never underestimate the value of this person.  Yeah, you gotta write a story, yeah, you need a director to drive it, a producer to make things happen, and talented actors to convey the words to screen, but man, without a DP who knows what he or she is doing, your film will just look like muck, no matter how strong your story or actors are.

Our writer (and lead actress) brought in our DP and though I'd never met him, I trusted her, and my trust was rewarded. 

The Felix Awards (the name of our short - and a story about two friends who compete for the Best Actress category in a student film awards show) started as a producing endeavor, but I've actually stepped in as the director as well.     That wasn't the intent, but it just came to be after some director choices we had dropped out.  I would never say I'm a director, but I've sort of just applied what I've learned through working with directors in the past, and I must say, I rather enjoyed performing that role today as well. 

It's only day one, and our talent so far has been easy to work with, so kudos to them.  I still don't know how it's all going to look in the end when we construct this mess, but I'm just going to continue to trust the process and keep working away.  It's all we can do at this point.

We worked hard today, got the shots we wanted, and it was really fulfilling...it's not often I can say that I feel that way about something.  This producing and cameo directing thing could be something I could really get used to. 

Now, time to kick back, watch Cal take on Tennessee and laugh about how Michigan lost today! 

over 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 23175
Nice work, B! I'm sure you guys will do awesome! Go Bears!
over 17 years ago


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