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Berton Chang
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missed my 5000 chance

I haven't got much to add, but the highlight was definitely missed - I'VE MISSED MY 5000th VISITOR CELEBRATION. I was going to make a big deal out of it, do a boon i.e. invite the 5000th to date moi, but who the hell would live up to that. haha

So we fixed Dax's computer, Don and myself. I explained in crude terms to Dax that I was going to 'gut' his old computer of nearly 7 years. I think he almost had a heart attack. Come on, using the words 'gut' and 'computer' signs of digital death to most people and surely for some i.e. Dax a computer rights violation.

To 'gut' a computer, first you must have the following: micro Phillips head screwdriver, a flat head screw driver (for the, uhhm, prying things open), and a t8 torque screwdriver. I'm sure Dax fainted after this.

Fast forward, Dax almost wanted to kill me via screw driver to the neck but I got the old computer apart, pulled the hard drive from the old machine, hooked it up an external case, copied files to his brand new, clean, unbeer-spilt MacBook Pro.

Moral of the story, don't drink near your laptop. Right Nani?

over 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Photo 32522
Man, Saturday was the most tense days I've had in recent memory. It wasn't that I didn't trust that you could do what you said you could; I was just worried because, as you and Don well know by know, I'm about as computer savvy as a fucking golden retriever. Anyway, watching you perform surgery on my computer was like watching you perform surgery on a beloved family member. And I still can't believe that you were able to do what the guys at the repair shop tried to do and couldn't. You really could do this stuff for a living, if you wanted. Thanks again, man. You truly saved my ass.
over 16 years ago


ah ha!

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