Anya Wu
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Long Time No See....

Hey Everyone! I'm so sorry that I disappeared from this website for awhile.  Couldn't keep up with all these different websites and blogs..but when I went to the Alive Not Dead 3rd Anniversary Party in Beijing and saw some old friends along with some new ones, I was reminded that this website is actually the one I feel most comfortable and at home with since I can write in English and can easily express my feelings.  Also, alot of people who are on this are all from a similar background, so I made the decision that I must come ba...Read more

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

Happy Children's Day!

Today is Children's Day.  Makes me think of my own childhood.  Everyone has one, some filled with memories of happiness, some filled with pain.  The one thing in common when you are a kid is that you are innocent, pure, and simple in dealing with everything that you come to face.  With this thought in mind, although we have grown up and live with different people and situations, if we reminded ourselves to be the way we were as children, untainted by the sadness, harshness, disappointments, etc. when we come to face with problem...Read more

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Blog: Sunday, Mar 9

Hi everyone!

Sorry that I haven't written for so long...been busy taking dance classes during the day and at night I've been chatting with my friend who has been staying with me...I am so sore from all the dancing since I have been practicing hardcore for this popular dance competition in China.  Pretty nervous about it since I've never danced on a show before especially since it is a competition and my dance will be judged.  All I can do is try my hardest and hope for the best...

This week I will also be going...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares

Recent Headline News

I was debating for awhile whether or not to bring up this sensitive topic of the Edison Sex Scandal.  Being an artist myself, people always advice not to comment on it, but c'mon it has been headline news for 3 weeks now.  Even people like me who can't read chinese newspapers and usually don't keep up to date with all the gossip, have been exposed to this scandal since it has become not only an entertainment headline but a part of the daily news.

Regardless of what I personally think of how such a ordeal could've ...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  17 评论s  0 shares

Post Holidays..

Hope everyone had a great chinese new years!  I spent it with my uhm..friend's family...played Mahjong, Cantonese style...and cooking...yes, me cooking...I actually love to cook, something even my friends find it hard to believe, until they see it and taste it...   I'm actually not bad of a cook ...I guess it must be a little hereditary.  My grandfather and dad are fom Sichuan and they both cook really well, so I somehow have a knack for it...

...Read more
大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

Happy Chinese New Year of the Rat

Wishing everyone a great new year filled with happiness, love, success, and wealth!  This is going to be a very memorable year especially with the Olympics...so let's have pride and be the best that we can be!

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares

Richard Mille

Attended a private dinner for Richard Mille Watches....Jackie Chan was amongst the guests but he had to leave early to catch a flight due to the snow...I had a great time chatting with Richard Mille about the watches and racing...damn the watches are nice....what I like about them is that most of their pieces are unisex...they also have nice detail to them and are very light and fit for racers...I've got my eye on collecting at least one..   Dinner was amazing as well...the chef was flown in from ...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

Radical Test Drive

Just got back from testing a brand new racing car in Zhuhai!  I am in love with the Radical!  It has just arrived in prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /China and I was lucky enough to have been invited to be not only one of the first to test it but the FIRST GIRL to test drive it…it was absolutely amazing!!!  During most of the day, I spent it worrying and praying since it was raining pretty hard which meant that it would be too dangerous for me to test it…but due to luck and  my persistency, the ra...Read more

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  22 评论s  0 shares

My First Blog

Hi everyone!  It’s about time that I made myself an official artist on this website…sorry for the delay…but what better way than to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and ring in the New Year by entering my first blog!

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I can not promise to write often especially since I know my schedule for the beginning of the year is already swamped…which of course, is a good thing.  I can only say that I will try to write as often as I can or at least put up new pics or info…...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares



english, cantonese, mandarin
Beijing, China
June 14, 2007