Today is Children's Day. Makes me think of my own childhood. Everyone has one, some filled with memories of happiness, some filled with pain. The one thing in common when you are a kid is that you are innocent, pure, and simple in dealing with everything that you come to face. With this thought in mind, although we have grown up and live with different people and situations, if we reminded ourselves to be the way we were as children, untainted by the sadness, harshness, disappointments, etc. when we come to face with problems in life, maybe...just maybe...we would be able to deal with our problems better? 今天是儿童节。让我回想起我的童年往事。 每一个人都经历过童年,每一个人的童年都不一样, 有苦有甜。但是童年的世界是最天真最单纯。今天我们都大了, 面对的人和事复杂多了, 如果我们在对待一些事情上继续保持简单心态, 不就让生活愉快多了吗?