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Angelita Li
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hosting on Jazzin Up, RTHK Radio 4

after a year travelling, i'm back on freelance hosting for Radio Television Hong Kong Channel 4's Jazzin' Up Programme. august and sept. this time i'm bringing in some unsung heroes i've met on the road, some released albums and some from their own library, i sincerely thank them for providing me their precious recordings.if you live in HK, you can tune into FM97.6-98.9 on Sunday nights 11pm or Wednesday 7pm for rerun. you can catch previous sections as well.archive as follows:1.Asian Jazz Musicians (Unsung Heroes) I 2.Asian Jazz Musicians (Unsung Heroes) II then collections of pop song covered in jazz styles:

3.Pop Tunes Jazzy Play I 4.Pop Tunes Jazzy Play II besides of meeting new friends and musicians, i've also been exposed to many different styles of music, including dance music. there's a movement of jazz and dance music being merged for awhile now.. the melting pot is simmering... thank DJ NOMSTA* and DJ TOMO of GOOODNESS.COM for the education:5.Jazz Today and Tomorrow - Acid Jazz I6.Jazz Today and Tomorrow - Acid Jazz II7.Jazz Today and Tomorrow - Nu Jazz and others I8.Jazz Today and Tomorrow - Nu Jazz and others II



Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul (A Seth Book)

                                                                Jane Roberts

Release date: By June, 1994

over 18 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


I am banning gigs with Endangered species and unnecessary delicacies on the event's food menu. "Killing them = Killing OURSELVES. i'll explain more later.

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 30, 2007