Angelita Li - my official artist profile
Angelita Li
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About Angelita Li

I am banning gigs with Endangered species and unnecessary delicacies on the event's food menu. "Killing them = Killing OURSELVES. i'll explain more later.

Angelita Li started her singing career in 1979, when she was 9, working mainly on television commercials and background vocals. She spent five years in Bangkok in the early 90s developing her music with various jazz groups, and was invited by top Thai fusion group Infinity to guest on their 1993 album "Together Again". The following year her talent was spotted by leading Thai recording label Grammy Entertainment which signed her up for her debut English album "The Eyes of Love".

In 1995, Angelita moved to Los Angeles to explore her musical boundaries further with at two renowned samba schools, Unidos de Los Angeles and Lula and the Afro Brazil. Armed with an ever-widening repertoire of genres that included Jazz, Brazilian, Fusion, R&B, Top 40 , Funk and Rock, Angelita went on the road with some of the top bands in Los Angeles, including Top 40 favorite Soto which opened for acts such as, Latin sensation Tierra and R&B group Rose Royce, also backing up for Ricky Martin in 1998 MTV Awards in Singapore.

Her music brought her back to Hong Kong in 1996 where she recorded her debut Chinese Jazz album, "Mystery", backed by the territory's top jazz luminaries such as Eugene Pao, Dave Packer, Paul Candaleria, and Anthony Fernandez. For the past five years, Angelita has worked with the myriad musicians on wide-ranging music projects and jazz festivals thoughtout Asia.

In 2002, Angelita was also invited by European jazz label Stunt to record her international solo album "Caminhos Cruzados'" featuring Eugene Pao and Grammy winner Hans Ulrik. Besides working on other compilation projects and as backing vocals for various cantopop artists, Angelita has also given lectures, written articles on jazz and hosts jazz programs on Radio Television Hong Kong.

|Angelita Li從1979年9歲起就開始了歌唱生涯,當時主要是在電視上演出和做合聲。她90年代初期在曼谷呆了5年,跟各種爵士樂隊學習音樂,泰國頂尖Fusion樂隊Infinity邀請她作為1993年發行的專輯”Together Again”的嘉賓獻唱。之後泰國唱片界巨頭Grammy娛樂唱片公司看中她的才華,跟她簽約並發表了首張英文唱片"The Eyes of Love"。

1995年,Angelita到洛杉磯拓展音樂才能,在兩所著名的桑巴學校Unidos de Los Angeles和Lula and the Afro Brazil學習。她能靈活駕御各流派的音樂,有爵士、巴西樂、Fusion、R&B、TOP40、放克和搖滾等。Angelita和洛杉磯幾個頂尖的樂隊合作,包括Top 40的Soto,Latin組合彩虹樂隊和唱R&B的Rose Royce,她還是瑞奇馬汀1998年在新家坡參加MTV頒獎典禮時演出的伴音。

1996年音樂把她帶回了香港,在這裡她發行了首張個人中文爵士唱片"Mystery",跟一批爵士樂的金牌人物合作,如Eugene Pao、Dave Packer、Paul Candaleria和Anthony Fernandez。過去5年,Angelita和各領域無數的音樂人合作音樂,在整個亞洲做爵士音樂節。

2002年,Angelita還被歐洲爵士的標志人物Stunt邀請參加錄制她的國際單曲,和Eugene Pao以及格萊美獎得主Hans Ulrik合作。除了一些編輯的事業,Angelita還是很多粵語流行歌手的幕後合音,她也演講、寫爵士的文章,在香港電台主持爵士節目。

|Angelita Li从1979年9岁起就开始了歌唱生涯,当时主要是在电视上演出和做合声。她90年代初期在曼谷呆了5年,跟各种爵士乐队学习音乐,泰国顶尖Fusion乐队Infinity邀请她作为1993年发行的专辑”Together Again”的嘉宾献唱。之后泰国唱片界巨头Grammy娱乐唱片公司看中她的才华,跟她签约并发表了首张英文唱片"The Eyes of Love"。

1995年,Angelita到洛杉矶拓展音乐才能,在两所著名的桑巴学校Unidos de Los Angeles和Lula and the Afro Brazil学习。她能灵活驾御各流派的音乐,有爵士、巴西乐、Fusion、R&B、TOP40、放克和摇滚等。Angelita和洛杉矶几个顶尖的乐队合作,包括Top 40的Soto,Latin组合彩虹乐队和唱R&B的Rose Royce,她还是瑞奇马汀1998年在新家坡参加MTV颁奖典礼时演出的伴音。

1996年音乐把她带回了香港,在这里她发行了首张个人中文爵士唱片"Mystery",跟一批爵士乐的金牌人物合作,如Eugene Pao、Dave Packer、Pau Candaleria和Anthony Fernandez。过去5年,Angelita和各领域无数的音乐人合作音乐,在整个亚洲做爵士音乐节。

2002年,Angelita还被欧洲爵士的标志人物Stunt邀请参加录制她的国际单曲"Caminhos Cruzados",和Eugene Pao以及格莱美奖得主Hans Ulrik合作。除了一些编辑的事业,Angelita还是很多粤语流行歌手的幕后合音,她也演讲、写爵士的文章,在香港电台主持爵士节目。

Interesting facts about Angelita Li

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin
Location Hong Kong
Gender female
English Name Angelita Li
Traditional Chinese Name 李安琪
Member Since April 30, 2007
Fans 57
Profile Views 130,934


I am banning gigs with Endangered species and unnecessary delicacies on the event's food menu. "Killing them = Killing OURSELVES. i'll explain more later.


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
April 30, 2007