NICOLA tried to take my SISTER and let her fell in the pool, but my sister took his arm and he finished in the POOL with her and with all his dress & shoes Really NO WORDS........
I think PIC & Video SPEAK for me ~~
Nicola.... AFTER the "jump"
some water in his shoes ^_^
WHY ?!?!?!
and dress
ME & my new HANDY phone~~~ :-)
..with my "LIL" sister ..
an idiot!
idiot number 2... my favorite one!
NOT S000 SEXY.....
Video: aNd. . ThE rEd OnE iT wAs My T-sHiRt . .
BUT.....wHaT CaN i dO???
tHeY r My fRiEnDs
有一天他跟我说了:“妳要把所有的心思和力量放在比赛上” “积极主动,以我为主,控制过程,展示技艺,夺取金牌” 那天我感觉是最强的! Empty you mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it will