Kwai Chang Caine from Kung Fu is back in a modern setting《功夫》
Thank you for saving me batman!!
I didn't know superman takes the subway?
I need to do some stretching before my yoga lesson in 30 minutes.
Hey!! watch where you put your hand!!
Oh, it's you honey!! That's fine then, keep it there.
What? You don't like my pecs? 看什麼看,就是有胸肌
Hummm....... where should i get off?????? 爺在思考
stop starring, my is bigger than yours 胸罩弟
can you please keep your mouth close? you are killing me with your breath. 小夥子,我都看到你胃了,早上吃的雞蛋還在裡面。。。」
hey son, I can see the eggs your ate this morning from this angle.
Can you stop sniffing my rear end? 高手啊.這樣也能睡的著覺
hey buddy, I think yo
I think your girlfriend broke her neck!! 兄弟,你女朋友脖子斷了
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.