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My first Baby "Zachary" is out!!|我第一個寶貝"Zachary"誕生了!!|我第一个宝贝"Zachary"诞生了!!

Hello friends

As you all might know, I have been busy with acting in Beijing and my Special effects workshop for the past year.  During those times, my wife was pregnant too.  So my schedule was a little hectic for awhile.

But the big day finally came.  I made it back to Los Angeles 10 hours before my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.    I was there in the operation room during the whole procedure.  It was bloody!!  I was actually pretty scare and excited at the same time.  There is no words to describe how I felt in that few hours.  But it was a very memorable experience. 

Thank god for giving me this adorable baby,  also my wife is healthy and recovering fast too.

Here are some photos of baby " Zachary".

one hour old baby.

"Hi"  to all AnDer

Enjoying myself after my milk feed.

Time for some real sleep. That is what I do all day long.

| 朋友們﹐大家好


但是﹐這個大日子終於來臨。我兒子出生的前10小時﹐我趕回洛杉磯看著我太太生下一個漂亮的小男孩。整個過程中﹐我都在手術室看著。真是血淋淋的! 其實﹐我當時的感覺又害怕又興奮。這幾小時的感覺﹐言語是沒有可能形容的。但是﹐這次經驗真是非常難忘。



以下有些寶貝"Zachary"的照片:一小時大的寶貝所有alive網的朋友﹐"你們好!"剛剛飲完奶,很享受。是時候睡覺了。我一整天就是做這樣。| 朋友们﹐大家好


但是﹐这个大日子终于来临。我儿子出生的前10小时﹐我赶回洛杉矶看着我太太生下一个漂亮的小男孩。整个过程中﹐我都在手术室看着。真是血淋淋的! 其实﹐我当时的感觉又害怕又兴奋。这几小时的感觉﹐言语是没有可能形容的。但是﹐这次经验真是非常难忘。





刚刚饮完奶,很享受。是时候睡觉了。我一整天就是做这样。|Hello friends

As you all might know, I have been busy with acting in Beijing and my Special effects workshop for the past year.  During those times, my wife was pregnant too.  So my schedule was a little hectic for awhile.

But the big day finally came.  I made it back to Los Angeles 10 hours before my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.    I was there in the operation room during the whole procedure.  It was bloody!!  I was actually pretty scare and excited at the same time.  There is no words to describe how I felt in that few hours.  But it was a very memorable experience. 

Thank god for giving me this adorable baby,  also my wife is healthy and recovering fast too.

Here are some photos of baby " Zachary".

one hour old baby.

"Hi"  to all AnDer

Enjoying myself after my milk feed.

Time for some real sleep. That is what I do all day long.

13 年多 前 0 赞s  127 评论s  0 shares
Admin bear cimg7673
Welcome Zachary!!!
13 年多 ago
Photo 41406
Congratulations to you 2 and welcome Zachary !
13 年多 ago
13 年多 ago
Photo 63849
wow congrats you two!
13 年多 ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
Awesome and Congrats! Really cute! Just like you both!
13 年多 ago
Hehe... he looks like he's ready to rock in this pic! Congratulations to you both!!
13 年多 ago
Photo 69762
OMG Adorable!!!!! Congrats!!!!! and glad that you made it for the big day!!! Good timing :> miss you 3 and love God bless C x
13 年多 ago
Koolcampus 25 logo kteam medium
CONGRATULATIONS, dear ANDREW, the proud father.
13 年多 ago
Photo 93921
Such an adorable kid! Congratulations!!! :D
13 年多 ago
Photo 22991
Congrats baby Lin
13 年多 ago
Photo 338590
Congratulations to you becoming a dad!!!
13 年多 ago
Lady detective with caption
I am so happy for you and Amanda. Bless you all. Jeanne
13 年多 ago
Photo 490027
Super cute, congrats!
13 年多 ago
Photo 51673
fantastic! congratulations!!
13 年多 ago
Yungyungyu 9f image
oh he is so cute. very peaceful baby. love it Please say hi for me to Amanda and also congratulations to u both.
13 年多 ago
that's a beautiful thing bro! Congrates to you and Amanda and hello Zachary!
13 年多 ago
Photo 530377
Congrats on your new born! Yeah!
13 年多 ago
Congratulations Andrew! And, Say hello to Zachary!
13 年多 ago
Photo 34291
Congrats!! He is adorable!!
13 年多 ago
Photo 23478
how precious!! congratulations!!!!
13 年多 ago
Celina 22046615 1614778101877994 2904770034740622593 n
sooooo cute!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :)
13 年多 ago
Photo 23936
congrads man!
13 年多 ago
Photo 32522
Very cute. Congrats!
13 年多 ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
SUch a cutie... Congrats!
13 年多 ago
Aiya!!!!! so cute!!!!
13 年多 ago
13 年多 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007