誇啦啦藝術集團呈獻命中煮定導演: 黃清霞博士 副導演:雅賀莉及鄭國樑編劇:阿諾德.韋斯克翻譯:張可堅 友情客串:陶傑 主要演員:蘇德華 譚家敏 梁偉光 金草 李穎怡 陶傑飾演餐廳老闆! 帶你嘗盡人生百味! 勢必辣爆廚房!究竟一切是否《命中煮定》? AFTEC presents The Kitchen(mainly in Cantonese, English as supplementary)Directed by Dr. Vicki Ooi Assistant Director: Holly Aston, Derrick ChengPlaywright: Arnold Wesker Translator: Dominic CheungChip Tsao as restaurant owner! Insanely busy kitchen as the stage! http://www.aftec.hk/[](/batch.download.php?aid=7560931)[](/batch.download.php?aid=7560931) 西餐=華麗的裝潢+禮貌周到的侍應+精細的食物?誇啦啦藝術集匯今次呈獻的舞台劇《命中煮定》決定一反傳統,帶你直擊餐廳後台的真面目──亂作一團的廚房充斥來自五湖四海的廚師的爭執咆哮、侍應跟廚師原來天生敵對、而兩者的共同敵人一定是顧客!透過廚房一天的忙碌工作以及年輕廚子跟已婚侍應求愛不遂繼而在餐廳搗亂的故事,推向高潮的是由陶傑飾演的餐廳老闆Mr. Marango向眾人曉以生活的意義,化解這場廚房的小風波。 《命中煮定》出自著名英國作家Arnold Wesker之手,早年曾被改拍成電影。故事發生在匯聚多國廚子的地窖餐廳,以廚房的眾生相、各人對生活的追求為背景,舞台劇的主線落在年輕的外籍大廚Peter追求已婚女侍應Monique上,可惜伊人不肯為了Peter放棄家庭,暴燥的Peter大發雷霆,四處搗亂。壓軸出場的餐廳老闆Mr. Marango逐追問廚房眾人的人生意義,平息了這次暴力事件。 舞台劇《命中煮定》由誇啦啦藝術集匯藝術總監黃清霞博士、雅賀莉及鄭國樑携手執導, 數十個年青人、4名專業演員及香江第一才子陶傑將傾力演出。值得一提的是一眾年輕演員只得12-18歲,除了要熟記舞台劇對白及走位外,小演員更曾在煤氣烹飪中心學習入廚,務求令演出更為迫真。 演出日期及時間:2010年8月6 - 7日 (星期五、六) 8pm 2010年8月8日 (星期日) 2:30pm 西灣河文娛中心劇院$160 $100 # 門票現於在各城市電腦售票處公開發售 #設有全日制學生、60歲或以上人士、殘疾人士及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士半價優惠。學生優惠票數量有限,先到先得,額滿即止。節目長約2小時不設中場休息 演出以粵語為主,輔以少量英語 留座熱線: 2734 9009 查詢: 2520 1716 信用卡購票熱線: 2111 5999 網上購票: www.urbtix.hk 誇啦啦藝術集匯為西灣河文娛中心場地伙伴 如遇特殊情況,主辦機構保留更換節目及表演者的權利 本節目內容並不反映康樂及文化事務署的意見Restaurant=exquisite decoration + high quality service + delicate gourmet? Proudly presented by AFTEC( the Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection), “The Kitchen” bucks the trend by showing audience the reality of a big restaurant: kitchen staff instinctively hate dining-room staff, and all of then hate the customers! Through the story of a rush day in Tivoli, petty quarrels, grumbles, snobbery, etc, things goes wrong when a young chef fails in asking a waitress to date with him, the dramatic point falls in how the proprietor, Mr. Marango, played by Chip Tsao, rollicks the staff and inspires them to ponder their true pursuit of life……Written by the well-known British writer Arnold Wesker, this juicy kitchen has already been adopted as a movie before. The plot starts in a basement restaurant in England, staffs are a mixture of German, British, Cypriots, Maltese…etc, main line of the story falls on the affair between the young German chef Peter and the married waitress Monique, their story doesn’t end sweetly as the lady is unwilling to abandon her family for Peter unfortunately, and therefore the boisterous Peter goes berserk and destroys everything from kitchen to the dining area. By a very inspiring speech of the proprietor, Mr. Marango, the turmoil is finally settled down.Directed jointly by Dr. Vicki Ooi, Holly Aston and Derrick Cheng, the cast which includes tens of teenagers, 4 professional adult actors and the renowned columnist Chip Tsao is ready to show you a great play. Eyeballs are also drawn to those young and talented actors who aged only 10-18. Apart from memorising scripts and blocking of the play, they have received cooking training provided by Towngas Avenue, which can surely make the show even better!“The Kitchen” 2010-8-6 (FRI) 8pm 2010-8-7 (SAT) 8pm 2010-8-8 (SUN) 2:30pm Venue: Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre Theatre Ticket Price: $160, $100 (Half-price tickets are available for full-time students, senior aged 60 or above, people with disabilities) The programme lasts for 2 hours without intermission. Tickets NOW available at all URBTIX outlets Ticketing Reservation: 2734 9009 Enquiries: 2520 1716 Credit Card Telephone Booking: 2111 5999 Internet Booking: www.urbtix.hk The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC) is the Venue Partner of the Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre