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Amy Ka Man Tam
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Chosen Alumni Faces! 被選畢業生介紹!

很榮幸能今年五月夠成為我的母校,香港科技大學校友會十年聚會的司儀,認謝很多新校友及和舊同學老師聚聚舊。今年是科大二十周年,很高興被挑選為第一批科大重點介紹畢業生,和其他不同屆別不同領域的精英同學,作為最新科大校友網頁的主題人物。 可到以下網址看看我和其他三十九位精英校友啊!ttp://alumfaces.ust.hk/alumniDetail.php?index=4&degree=BBA(MARK)&company=http://alumfaces.ust.hk/index.phphttp://alumfaces.ust.hk/aboutUs.phpAfter being invited as an MC of HKUST Alumni 10th Anniversary Gathering in May this year, I am so happy that I am chosen as one of the 40 alumni in the brand new Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Alumni Faces website! You can find me in the following links: http://alumfaces.ust.hk/alumniDetail.php?index=4&degree=BBA(MARK)&company=http://alumfaces.ust.hk/index.phphttp://alumfaces.ust.hk/aboutUs.phpWelcome to the brand new Alumni Faces website! While HKUST is ushering in its 20th anniversary, over 40,000 alumni are here to witne****

over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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Hong Kong
Member Since
March 16, 2010