Shooting outside a warehouse and we got stranded inside by an epic rain... It's pouring so heavy on da zinc rooftop da sound is deafening...
Question... Has anybody been conned by this shopping site?... Squandered me more than RM700 and never made shipment since May this year... Just how many of these on Facebook and Instagram are fraudulent sites?...
Awwwwwwwww man... A Rap Battle with Samuel L Jackson... Oh boy...
Counting da little everyday things dat I take for granted ~ Driving while enjoying all da music dat I love...
Kam Raslan. Hey dude. Can't tell ya how delightfully refreshing it is getting reacquainted with your work... After all these years... I gotta say, mentorship under you (though brief) and June Mong was unforgettably profound. I never knew what being a Pragmatist was about, and how crucial dat is in personal growth till I learned from da both of yous. Well, it's not as though there had been class specified on dat, da education had been circumstantially informal...
Is dat?... Is dat a Pikachu dry humping my Rottweiler?...
Dat is one helluva Hard Rock Medley...
I've been trying to learn this accent... Damn cool accent to have...
This cop is not happy... He is not happy because his Gun was pickpocket-ed by a Sloth...
I didn't know dat crunching on keropok ikan along with a mouthful of nasi lemak can be so... WOW!!!...
...I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore...