Devilishly genius...
I've seen classier taunt speeches in UFC, MMA and WWE... Like an ungrateful man who dumps his rich wife after she has made him rich and yet has da nerve and audacity to get angry and jealous when she remarries... Shamelessness at a whole new level... There's a name for people like this, it's called Sociopath...
No! You dumb dove! Not on my watch!!!...
Hot damn... I'd so take myself out on a date, wine dine 69 and da whole works...
Looking like a legit Film Noir hero... Until dat jealousy fueled slap flew at my face...
My fart smells like rotten chicken carcass from eating too much butter... 吃太多牛油,放的屁像腐爛的死雞。。。
10 years as Facebook friends... 23 years as MIA friends... Damn we're old... Those strolls along da golf driving range...
Mak Datin oh Mak Datin... I still remember you bought me a birthday cake on da first time we met. Only to find out later dat your birthday is 2 days after mine... Happy Birthday Moo Moo...
In a way... Eating Puffer Fish is like eating Michaelangelo... Minus da poison...
This gave me a big ass smile on my face a some serious goosebumps... This is fookin' GRAND mate!!!!...
...I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore...