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AnD + LKF Beer Fest Band Search! | AnD+蘭桂坊啤酒節樂隊大搜索! | AnD+兰桂坊啤酒节乐队大搜索!

Hot off the presses!  the AnD team just got back from Hong Kong's Lan Kwai Fong.  Today was the Band Search held in association with Big Events and the LKF Association at the California Bar and Restaurant to find bands to play at May's Lan Kwai Fong Beer Fest 2008!

We had a great turn out from local bands and alivenotdead.com artists!  8 Bands did one song auditions before a panel of Hong Kong's rock family- Paul WongRyan Hui and Don and Adrianof Audiotraffic

The bands that came to try out were: FBI, Wonder Garl, Supper Moment, Madhouse, 遊樂園, Crazimals, Killersoapand Eccentric.  Here's some photos of the performances:

And we made a short video compilation of some of the bands:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJKggeDyB1YThanks again to the bands and the judges!  We hope we have the chance to do more events like this in the future!

許多本地樂隊和alivenotdead.com藝術家參加了活動! 8支樂隊在香港搖滾家族-黃貫中許懷欣AudiotrafficDonAdrian組成的評委組面前各演唱了一首歌。

表演的樂隊分別是: FBI、Wonder Garl、 Supper MomentMadhouse、 遊樂園、 CrazimalsKillersoap Eccentric。 演出照片:


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJKggeDyB1Y 再次感謝這些樂隊和評委!希望今後還有機會舉辦此類活動!

许多本地乐队和alivenotdead.com艺术家参加了活动! 8支乐队在香港摇滚家族-黄贯中许怀欣AudiotrafficDonAdrian组成的评委组面前各演唱了一首歌。

表演的乐队分别是: FBI、Wonder Garl、 Supper MomentMadhouse、 遊樂園、 CrazimalsKillersoap Eccentric。 演出照片:


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJKggeDyB1Y 再次感谢这些乐队和评委!希望今后还有机会举办此类活动!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
Photo 34128
Sorry I missed it. Looks like a good time.
over 16 years ago
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
Thanks for the photo, events and the ciips!!
over 16 years ago
Paradox din 81 20131002 din 116 edit
look like gould and I are actually looking at each other during performance
over 16 years ago
Photo 38281
lol i showed up just after the event... and was not expecting to see kiki at all... or this event ina matterof fact. haha damn gota get more involved! =]
over 16 years ago
Photo 34979
hey,eccentric so glad to play with another awesome bands,hope to play With u guys on the stage,and what a pleasure to played in front of Paul Wong, Ryan Hui and Don and Adrian of Audiotraffic.thx for the change to play in LKF beer fest
over 16 years ago
Photo 40170
Thx for AnD
over 16 years ago
Photo 65334
so who made it????
over 16 years ago
Photo 43610
my post is funny at this pic., thx AND
over 16 years ago


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