Official Artist
Alan Wai
Actor , Sports
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Kicking off 2011 with a bang! - Action Choreography Showeel

I know we are almost two weeks into the New Year already,but I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my fellow AnD-ers......

A most awesome 2011 filled with joy, good health and prosperity!!!  May all your dreams come true to each and every one of you!!!  So as post-production to the long awaited Kung Fu action comedy short film, Cribof Deathdraws closer to completion, while I'mbustling here in Hong Kong I thought I'd take the opportunity to kick start the New Year and draft together my first ever Action Choreography showreel. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEDB1UmIz-U

Although I have acted as a fight/action choreographerbefore on various small projects in the past,Crib of Deathmarks my first full on onscreen martial arts venture, giving me the opportunity to work on numerous fight scenes with hard working talented individuals.  My showreel will provide you with a small taste of what is tobeexpected fromCrib of Death.

I hope you guys will enjoy what you see, and fingers crossed there willbe further opportunities to come for me to hone my craft in this field.  

Once again, wishing y'all thebest 2011 you can expect!!!  

Peace &BestWishes,


about 14 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
about 14 years ago
Photo 110999
Happy 2011 Young Skywalker!
about 14 years ago
Img 9226
Good stuff Alan!
about 14 years ago
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nice vid. who was willing to let you trash their house for the film!?!
about 14 years ago


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June 11, 2008