Hi Guys!
Ah *CHU** ! ! * I think I need to take some allergy pills, the air con is making sneeze up a storm.
So tired these days...I went into work today to shoot some photos for my new "C OP" drama series... shooting will start next month. I also had to sign some forms to get a gun permit (hopefully I can try shooting one!) I am quite excited as I've always wanted to play the role of a cop! Details of the role are yet to be confirmed. I also had a meeting with my manager and discussed the "look" of my character, looks like I would be cutting it REALshort soon. I'll post up photos when that happens. As well as I would be going through a few different hair styles / cuts (it get's shorter each time) within this month for a few different photoshoots. Busy busy busy!
I think I'm becoming a S ushi S NO B. Ever since I came back from Honolulu, and have eaten by far the BEST sushi that I've EVER had...I've yet to find a place in HK that can compare. i'm completely in LOVE with both A HI & MA HI MA HI fresh fish. I've yet to locate some in HK though! Some people dream of fame and fortune, I dream of eating rare types of fish...! lol. I swear I'm normal! I had a bad experience today at the restaurant though. I felt a bit adventureous and decided to try my cousin's favourite sushi made with "Squid"... (forgot the official japanese name) but it smelt like ba throo m ! But feeling brave and trusting my cousin's tastes, I popped it all into my mouth. EKKKKK! It took 2 bites for me to realize that my first predictament was right, that it not only smelt like bathroom but I'm sure I would end up going to and forth the bathroom if I was brave enough to swalIow it! I shouldn't trust my cousin's tastes ever again...disregarding my manners, I spat the entire piece into my napkin and rinsed my taste buds with 2 glasses of green tea then some ginger bits. YUCK! I doubt I will feel brave like that for a long time!
Cheers Everyone!!
| Hi各位!
Ah CHU!!我可能需要一點過敏藥片,空調讓我不停在打噴嚏
我已經變成壽司狂人。剛從火奴魯魯回來,嘗過了世上最美味的壽司…還沒在香港找到一家餐廳可以與之媲美我超愛AHI和MAHI MAHI生魚,一定要在香港找到!一些人夢想著名聲或財富,而我的夢想是吃各種生魚片…!我發誓我是正常人!但今天在餐廳吃到了難吃的壽司,當我決定試試表哥最愛的魷魚(忘了這東西的日本名字)壽司時感到了小小的冒險…聞起來簡直象廁所!我很勇敢,又堅信表哥的品位,於是把它放進了嘴裏。啊呀!咬了兩口才意識到我最初的判斷是正確的,它不僅聞起來象廁所,如果真的勇敢到吞下它,我會沖去廁所吐!再也不能盲信表哥的品位了…我不顧儀態地把整個壽司吐到餐巾紙上,用了兩杯綠茶淑口,還吃了一些生姜。討厭!我可能很長一段時間都不敢吃壽司了!
| Hi各位!
Ah CHU!!我可能需要一点过敏药片,空调让我不停在打喷嚏
我已经变成寿司狂人。刚从火奴鲁鲁回来,尝过了世上最美味的寿司…还没在香港找到一家餐厅可以与之媲美我超爱AHI和MAHI MAHI生鱼,一定要在香港找到!一些人梦想着名声或财富,而我的梦想是吃各种生鱼片…!我发誓我是正常人!但今天在餐厅吃到了难吃的寿司,当我决定试试表哥最爱的鱿鱼(忘了这东西的日本名字)寿司时感到了小小的冒险…闻起来简直象厕所!我很勇敢,又坚信表哥的品位,于是把它放进了嘴里。啊呀!咬了两口才意识到我最初的判断是正确的,它不仅闻起来象厕所,如果真的勇敢到吞下它,我会冲去厕所吐!再也不能盲信表哥的品位了…我不顾仪态地把整个寿司吐到餐巾纸上,用了两杯绿茶淑口,还吃了一些生姜。讨厌!我可能很长一段时间都不敢吃寿司了!
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED