Official Artist
Aimee Chan
Actor , Model , Graphic Designer
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Miss Hong Kong again!|又選香港小姐啦!|又选香港小姐啦!

YAWN (i hear birds chirping....shhhhhh they're pretty loud outside my window I must say)

It's time to recruit new applicants for the MHK pageant! From the bottom of my heart, it's changed my life and has opened up doors for new possibilities. I've learned so much, but what it has taught me was that there is so much more that I need to learn about life, people, the world and mostly about myself. It's a continuous journey and I'm learning with each passing day about the world around me. I'm not the smartest, the prettiest nor the best at everything but I will work hard to accept my flaws and strengths. Maintaining a balance of physical & inner beauty is the MHK motto and I strongly stand by it.

Sincerely to those who are even slightly interested, please pick up an application. Nothing is impossible and you'd never know until you try. Or rather what I'd like to often, act with your heart ... think later. =)

now enough about the "MHK promo speech" sorry for the boys who had to endure through all that (don't get me wrong, I meant every word.)  I just got back from a meeting for a show I'm doing next week....I did a final dubbing for "Leet Foa 3" this morning, then shot "Off Pedder". It was so nice to see the directors and to finally see a few scenes of the drama that I did. I'm quite excited for it to come out - no word when but I'm soon I was told. Fingers Crossed 

I better get some sleep, I haven't stayed up this late for a while now since all my filming is done usually in the morning! Here's some pics in the meantime! (you can check my TVB.COM for more pictures starting tomorrow!)

At an "Off Pedder" dinner one night...

Because he's amazing in everything! =)

stay tuned crazy animals!  HUGZZZZ

                                                        |                       *

哈欠*( 聽到雀仔嘰嘰喳喳的聲音。。。噓﹐他們在窗外很吵鬧的)

又是招募香港小姐的新參賽者! 我 心低底裡想說的是﹐這真是改變了我的命運﹐也幫我開路向很多新機會。我學識了很多東西﹐但是這一切其實教導了我還有很多東西要學﹐例如生命﹐人﹐世界﹐以 及自己。這是個永遠不斷的旅程﹐而每過一天我都在學識了解自己身邊的世界。我不是最聰明﹐也不是最美麗或做什麼都是最好的﹐但是我會勞力地去接受自己的缺 點和優點。做香港小姐的口號就是保持外和內的美麗形態﹐而我也深深支持的。


好啦﹐不再講" 香港小姐宣傳的說話" 。忍耐我剛才所說的話的男士﹐對不起 ( 不要誤會﹐我每一句話是真心的) 。我為了下星期的表演開會後回來。。。。今天早上為“Leet Foa 3" 配音﹐然後為“畢打自己人”拍攝。見到導演真是很開心﹐而且終於能夠看到自己演出的幾幕劇集。我其實很興奮地等著劇集播放 - 未知幾時出街但是他們說很快。 * 交叉手指*

我都應該睡覺了。很久都沒有那麼夜才睡﹐因為我通常是早上拍劇﹗這裡有些照片先給大家看看﹗( 從明天起﹐你們可以去TVB.COM 看更多照片﹗)





哈欠*( 听到雀仔叽叽喳喳的声音。。。嘘,他们在窗外很吵闹的)

又是招募香港小姐的新参赛者! 我心低底里想说的是,这真是改变了我的命运,也帮我开路向很多新机会。我学识了很多东西,但是这一切其实教导了我还有很多东西要学,例如生命,人,世界,以及自己。这是个永远不断的旅程,而每过一天我都在学识了解自己身边的世界。我不是最聪明,也不是最美丽或做什麽都是最好的,但是我会劳力地去接受自己的缺点和优点。做香港小姐的口号就是保持外和内的美丽形态,而我也深深支持的。


好啦,不再讲" 香港小姐宣传的说话" 。忍耐我刚才所说的话的男士,对不起 ( 不要误会,我每一句话是真心的) 。我为了下星期的表演开会後回来。。。。今天早上为“Leet Foa 3" 配音,然後为“毕打自己人”拍摄。见到导演真是很开心,而且终於能够看到自己演出的几幕剧集。我其实很兴奋地等着剧集播放 - 未知几时出街但是他们说很快。 * 交叉手指*

我都应该睡觉了。很久都没有那麽夜才睡,因为我通常是早上拍剧!这里有些照片先给大家看看!< /font>( 从明天起,你们可以去TVB.COM 看更多照片!)




almost 16 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
the winner!
almost 16 years ago
Paulinec 1a img 1269
Wow it's already been a year!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 319485
Awesome! Wishing you all the best! ~Shairah~
almost 16 years ago
Photo 446869
You are having a successful carreer now. Keep it up :D
almost 16 years ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED

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Hong Kong
Member Since
May 17, 2007