Official Artist
Aimee Chan
Actor , Model , Graphic Designer
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Limited Ed. Agnes B Choco | ED. Agnes B限量巧克力


It's been a busy time shooting for the drama series, my hair has grown longer and a trim was badly needed yesterday after my full day of shooting. I'm lucky my brilliant manager squeezed in a photoshoot for Wedding Mag (due out November 1) and Dolce Vita t.v. program as host this past week. It was loads of fun and I took a photo at one of our locations..Agnes B Chocolates. We also talked about stella (for those who love beer!), different types of cuisines (too bad I didn't get a chance to try those) and a bunch of other goodies...

A bit of foul news, my computer broke down the past week and I didn't get a chance to fix it yet. Is it bad luck to have both my Mac & PC broken...luckily I still had this old Sony comp trucking along for me or else I wouldn't even get the chance to check my emails! (but to be honest, I've been too tired lately to even have time to check those!) Yipes! Hehe =) 

This is how short I had to cut my hair for the cop drama series (I'm a CID)...check it out! |  Hello!

自從拍攝電視劇以來我非常忙,頭發長了,經過一整天的拍攝之後極需修剪。很幸運,我能幹的經紀人上周還幫我擠出時間接了一期Wedding雜誌( 11 月1 日出版)的拍攝,和主持Dolce Vita節目。非常有趣,我在其中一個拍攝地拍了張照片…Agnes B巧克力,這期我們還談論了stella(喜歡啤酒的人註意了!)、不同風味的烹飪(很可惜我沒機會一一嘗試)以及許多其他很棒的內容…

壞消息是我的電腦上周崩潰了,都沒時間修它。很倒黴的是我的Mac和PC機同時壞掉…還好有這臺舊Sony計算機,否則我都沒辦法查看郵件!(但老實說,我最近太累了,都沒時間看!) Yipes!呵呵=)


|  Hello!

自从拍摄电视剧以来我非常忙,头发长了,经过一整天的拍摄之后极需修剪。很幸运,我能干的经纪人上周还帮我挤出时间接了一期Wedding杂志( 11 月1 日出版)的拍摄,和主持Dolce Vita节目。非常有趣,我在其中一个拍摄地拍了张照片…Agnes B巧克力,这期我们还谈论了stella(喜欢啤酒的人注意了!)、不同风味的烹饪(很可惜我没机会一一尝试)以及许多其他很棒的内容…

坏消息是我的电脑上周崩溃了,都没时间修它。很倒霉的是我的Mac和PC机同时坏掉…还好有这台旧Sony计算机,否则我都没办法查看邮件!(但老实说,我最近太累了,都没时间看!) Yipes!呵呵=)


Don't I look like I can kick your butt!? ...if you take my last chocolate...heh heh.

|   我看起來是不是很強!?...等我吃完這最後一顆巧克力…呵呵。 | 我看起来是不是很强!?...等我吃完这最后一颗巧克力…呵呵。

mmmm....these shots were taken while I was hosting Dolce Vita at Agnes B. Their chocolates are handmade and each one has a different graphic/design on it.  I love anything that's original and graphic oriented! My favourite one would be the lychee Rose Dark Chocolate, it tasted quite nice without being overly sweet. These sugar babies don't come cheap though. $59.99 HKD for a set of 2.

Back to reading my scrīpts...

Cheers!  | 恩…這些照片是我在Agnes B主持Dolce Vita節目時拍的,這些巧克力都是手工制作,每一款都有不同的圖案和設計。我喜歡一切手工及設計感的作品!




| 恩…这些照片是我在Agnes B主持Dolce Vita节目时拍的,这些巧克力都是手工制作,每一款都有不同的图案和设计。我喜欢一切手工及设计感的作品!




about 17 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares
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hair looks cool. $30 per piece of chocolate not so cool! :-D
about 17 years ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED

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