I watched "Invisible Target" last night and it was great! Loved the actors and loved the fighting sequels, I liked how it was written as well. There were bloodshed but a few unexpected humourous bits...i'm such a tomboy, I LOVE my action movies and can never get enough of em! Props to Nic Tse for doing his own stunts, truly blood sweat and tears were put into working into his character. I admire anyone who works on martial art type movies because I know how hard it is to train. My si-fu used to tell me, "no pain no gain" when I used to train through my tears, and that phrase has virtually stuck. =P
I'm heading to china in a few days for an award ceremony, hopefully it wont be as crazy as last time when local fans slipped into our private resting rooms and started to ask questions as if they were reporters--scary! I'm performing at a function next month (Trad. chinese dance) so i'm working with the cheorgrapher on that, it's so much fun! I'm hoping to take some time off next month to spend some quality time with my family since it's been nuts the past year (I've actually MISSED my little brother annoying the crap out of me, believe it or not!) He works as a aspiring DJ back home, so I hope to have time to see him Spin one of these nights!
Cheers! xo | 昨晚看了《男兒本色》,超棒!我喜歡演員的表演和動作結局,故事寫得真好。動作火爆還有些出人意料的幽默…我是假小子,看喜歡的動作片怎麽也不夠!謝霆鋒的特技都是親自上陣,真的血汗給他的角色加分不少。我崇拜拍功夫片的人,因為了解訓練時有多艱苦。師傅曾經告訴我”不勞無獲”。當我練習到眼淚直流時,才真正感受到這句諺語的真意。=P
| 昨晚看了《男儿本色》,超棒!我喜欢演员的表演和动作结局,故事写得真好。动作火爆还有些出人意料的幽默…我是假小子,看喜欢的动作片怎么也不够!谢霆锋的特技都是亲自上阵,真的血汗给他的角色加分不少。我崇拜拍功夫片的人,因为了解训练时有多艰苦。师傅曾经告诉我”不劳无获”。当我练习到眼泪直流时,才真正感受到这句谚语的真意。=P
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED