Hello! =)
Obviously judging from my title, this is my very first entry. It's exactly 2:06 am on my comp and I'm sitting with a cup of hot brewing cup of coffee in my pink jammies typing. Gosh, I feel so bad to have taken so long to organize this space...sorry guys! Will you forgive me!? It's been a crazy few weeks, well crazy year actually. I've been swamped with work, meetings and photo shoots. But it's alot of fun and I have so many photos to share in which I will have to do...gradually. They're all packed away in small little piles on my dining room table. Tee Hee, I feel so sentimental looking at my old MHK photo's, I look like a BABY in those photos!
So, today I slept in a bit since I stayed up until 7 am this morning working on a few things. Then I had a meeting to review a scrīpt on Unicef's "Loveday " charity program that I will be MC'ing for this Friday. It will be aired on the 10th at 10 pm. So, stay tuned!
woa, these are big lips! >
Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED