Official Artist
Mark Allen
Director , Screenwriter , Composer
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"No One Loves Me For Who I Am"

Something I've noticed is that people are drawn to people who live a little more outside their bodies.  This is why actors - even in person - often have that "presence" - the reason is that they are sharing all the things most people hide.  Some actors only do this on screen, some do it all the time. 

Everyone, whether they are an actor or not, either does or doesn't do this to varying degrees.  The more people are willing to share with the world, the more people are drawn to them for who they really are.  I've known many people who will complain,  "No one loves me for who I am" - but they never risk exposing who they are to the world. 

If people don't expose themselves, then all they can really be loved for is what they do or what they look like.  And this is not uncommon.  Some people will wait and only share themselves with people they are close to - but then how do they get to be close to the people who would be a good match for who they really are?

So - the next time you think "No one loves me for who I am" - consider if anyone has been given a chance to know who you are.

about 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares


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