hehehe.. last blog was 10 days ago.. 10, is my lucky number now!!! :D
i often let my emotions beat me.. but it's time to trust my feeling and instinct rather than those excessive thinking which leads to my emotions...! now that i have my lucky charm, i should be able to do many things and go real far... let's keep up with the positivity and productivity to make this world or just ourselves with the ppl around us a little bit better or easier place to live! KEEP IT GAY KEEP IT GAY KEEP IT GAY!!! ;p
ok.. last week's task was.. dressing up like below running and singing around in the most crowded street like tst, cwb, and central..
it was for the mall Elements in kowloon mtr station.. flirting with sound.. oh yeah.. see how cute and colorful we are!!! ~||| rock star* in a clown way.. cool.. ;p
oh yeah.. having our parades n shows @ elements mall is much easier than rocking on the streets!! it's the third day we were rocking the mall, we've been singing all queen's songs this time! coming up ones are this sat and sun.. but really looking forward to a bigger scale show on the 31st.. it's so much fun singing acapella with these gals with rock songs n dressing up like that acting crazyly......... hehe ;p