Can't miss out Patrick's birthday party! Pal Wong, Reni Wong, Edith (Reni's GF) and me went the Sands for his party and we all have great time. thanks Patrick and all!~
Unfortunately, one of the tickets goes wrong and i had a quick exchange. finally I got on board in the last minute. We arrive a bit earlier, gambling in Casino, then a long walk to the Kun Lam Statue. it looks in totally shine and golden. i pray for good luck be with me.
Eleven, a lucky number of mine, that's bring me a chance to met a favous painter, Joseph Wong.
my 1st time saw him is in last November, and that's the 2nd time, he was invited to have an exhibtion held on 11 of Jan. thanks for Reni and Pal's introduction.
Here is the show:
(明報)8月10日 星期日 05:10
【明報專訊】 奧運 開幕式期間,鳥巢一帶沒有下雨,其實這並非天公作美,而是 北京 氣象部門發射了1104枚火箭彈作人工消雨,把一股正移向京城的雲團「逼停」在京郊及河北省保定市內,保證煙花及點燃聖火效果不受影響。
據國家氣象局網站消息,北京前日被雨帶包圍,市郊東北方都有下雨甚至雷暴,一條暴雨雲帶更在西南方形成,向北京緩慢移動。北京市氣象台長郭虎說,工 作...Read more
Recently, I was ordered to do some research on internet, about interesting topics, or person(s) who has special skills.
Only that blog style website, I am extremely curious and keep reading in personally. (It is not developed to be the proposal for bosses' client.)
I AM NOT a Hello Kitty fanatic!
I can feel his pain... as his wife loves HelloKitty, but for him that's overloaded.
that website is really success to keep people staying. WHY a man keep continue write on that topic (since 200...Read more
I've being in office work overnight, and now waiting for comment... tire and bore... I want my bed!!
Let me check up what my name stands for. How to judges a name? it almost telling my true character!What Kyliekiu MeansYou are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.
You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.
People somet...Read more
九十年代,衛斯理小說的一句話: 再不保護地球,她只要輕微晃動身子.... 今早,翻查一些圖片,看到如此情景,很心痛。隨之立即online Oxfam。
我回憶到,上年看過的discover cha...Read more
In my last blog, Andy show me the name of graffiti artist (lovely fishy jumping). here i search out some of his info and want to share.
PEZ - already recorded in Wikipedia! 300 and more graffiti has painted around the world! it's honor that has his foot prints in Hong Kong!
I had a really nice morning, specially found something interesting in the lane.
big picture~
When i came home last night, a big yellow parcel is on my desk. who post me with a beauty handwriting? oh! it's from my AnD friend "j" who live in singapore!
that's really surprise me, and it's amazing that her gift arrives on the same date which AnD feature me!
wooo~ a notebook with bunnies on cover~
i will keep treasure with loving care. th...Read more
do the perfect and live in an easy way.